Digital Twin Simulation of Tank Level using PyQt with Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 and PLCSim

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PyQt Tank Level Digital Twin with Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim Simulation 2

PyQt Tank Level Digital Twin with Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim Simulation 2

PyQt Tank Level Digital Twin is a software application that simulates a tank’s level using PyQt for the GUI and Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim for the simulation. This article will discuss how to create this digital twin using HTML tags and provide an overview of the process.


Before creating the PyQt Tank Level Digital Twin, you will need to have PyQt and Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim installed on your computer. You will also need a basic understanding of Python and PLC programming.

Creating the User Interface with PyQt

First, create a new Python file and import the necessary PyQt modules. Then, create a new class for the main window and add the required widgets, such as labels, input fields, and a button. Finally, connect the input fields to the PLC simulation.

Example code:

	import sys
	from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QLabel, QLineEdit, QPushButton

	class TankLevelWindow(QMainWindow):
		def __init__(self):
			self.setWindowTitle('Tank Level Digital Twin')
			self.setGeometry(100, 100, 400, 200)

			self.level_label = QLabel('Tank Level:', self)
			self.level_label.move(50, 50)

			self.level_input = QLineEdit(self)
			self.level_input.move(150, 50)

			self.update_button = QPushButton('Update', self)
			self.update_button.move(150, 100)

		def update_level(self):
			# Connect to Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim here

	if __name__ == '__main__':
		app = QApplication(sys.argv)
		window = TankLevelWindow()

Simulating the Tank Level with Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim

Open Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim and create a new project. Add the necessary PLC program to simulate the tank level. You will need to establish a communication link between the PyQt application and the PLC simulation to exchange data.

Example PLC code:

	PROGRAM TankLevelSimulation
		Level : REAL;

	Level := // Read tank level from PyQt application

	// Simulation logic here



Creating a digital twin of a tank level using PyQt and Siemens TIA Portal S7-1200 PLCSim is a great way to practice GUI development and PLC programming. With this setup, you can easily visualize and simulate various industrial processes and control systems.