
Discussion on Expo & Deno at RedwoodJS Talks in February 2023

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RedwoodJS Talks February 2023 – Expo & Deno

RedwoodJS Talks February 2023 – Expo & Deno

Mark your calendars for the RedwoodJS Talks event happening in February 2023. This event will feature discussions and presentations on the exciting new features of RedwoodJS, including Expo and Deno integration.

Event Details

  • Date: February 15-17, 2023
  • Location: Online


The event will include talks and workshops covering a range of topics related to RedwoodJS, with a special focus on the new Expo and Deno integrations. Attendees can expect to learn about the latest advancements in RedwoodJS and how they can leverage these tools to build better web applications.

Keynote Speakers

  • John Doe – Lead Developer at RedwoodJS
  • Jane Smith – Tech Lead at Expo
  • Alex Johnson – Deno Core Contributor


Registration for the event is now open. To secure your spot, visit the RedwoodJS Talks website and complete the registration form. Early bird pricing is available for a limited time, so be sure to sign up soon!

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the event or need assistance with registration, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at info@redwoodjstalks.com.

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Sean Knowles
7 months ago

Does deno work with React Native as in can I run a react native project using Deno?