Displaying and Playing GIF Files in Python Tkinter GUIs: A Guide to Running and Animating GIFs

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How to Display and Play a GIF File in Python Tkinter GUIs

How to Display and Play a GIF File in Python Tkinter GUIs

If you want to add some animation to your Python Tkinter GUIs, you can easily display and play a GIF file using the built-in PhotoImage class in Tkinter. The process is simple and can add a nice touch to your application.

Step 1: Import the necessary modules

First, you need to import the tkinter and PIL modules. The PIL module is used for working with images in Python.

import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

Step 2: Load the GIF file

Next, you need to load the GIF file using the Image.open method from PIL and convert it to a Tkinter-compatible photo image.

gif_path = "path_to_your_gif.gif"
gif = Image.open(gif_path)
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(gif)

Step 3: Display the GIF on the tkinter window

Finally, you can create a label in your Tkinter window and set the photo as its image to display the GIF. You can also use the pack or grid methods to place the label in the desired location.

root = tk.Tk()
label = tk.Label(root, image=photo)

Step 4: Run and Animate the GIF

When you run your code, you should see the GIF displayed on the Tkinter window. If the GIF is an animated one, it will automatically start playing once it’s displayed.

Additional functionalities

You can also add buttons or other tkinter widgets to control the animation of the GIF, pause it, or even play it in reverse. This can be achieved by creating custom functions and binding them to events.


In this article, we have shown you how to easily display and play a GIF file in Python Tkinter GUIs. Adding animation to your GUIs can make them more attractive and engaging for the users, and with Tkinter and PIL, it’s a simple process to achieve.

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6 months ago

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6 months ago

This must have been the best explanation I have had and I was able to get my gif playing very nicely but how do I stop it?
I use it to display a loadingbar while another function is running via multithreading and want it to stop when the other function ends.

6 months ago

Amazing Sir