
Displaying Directions on a Map in React: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Showing directions on a map in React

How to show directions on a map in React

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. With the help of various libraries and APIs, it is possible to integrate maps and directions in a React application. One such library is Google Maps API which provides tools for displaying maps and getting directions.

Step 1: Get an API key from Google Maps

In order to use Google Maps API in your React application, you need to get an API key from Google. Go to the Google Cloud Platform website and create a new project. Enable the Maps JavaScript API and Directions API for your project and generate an API key.

Step 2: Install a library for maps in React

There are several libraries available for integrating maps in a React application. One of the popular ones is google-maps-react. Install this library using npm:

npm install google-maps-react

Step 3: Implement the map component in your React application

Create a new component for the map in your React application. Use the GoogleMap component from the google-maps-react library and pass in your API key as props. You can customize the map by setting various options such as center, zoom, and markers.

Step 4: Get directions using Google Maps Directions API

Use the Directions API from Google Maps to get directions between two points. You can make a request to the API with the starting point and destination coordinates. Display the directions on the map using polylines or markers.


Showing directions on a map in a React application is a useful feature for applications that require navigation. By using libraries such as google-maps-react and APIs like Google Maps Directions API, you can easily integrate maps and directions in your React application.

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