Displaying Error Messages in Angular’s Template Driven Form 4

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Angular | Template Driven Form 4 | Display error messages

Angular | Template Driven Form 4 | Display error messages

When working with template driven forms in Angular, it is important to display error messages to users when their input is not valid. This can help improve the user experience and provide helpful feedback for correcting mistakes.

To display error messages in a template driven form, you can use the `ngIf` directive along with the `ngModel` directive to show error messages when a form field is invalid. Here’s an example:


Please enter a valid name


In the example above, we have a form with a name input field. We use the `ngModel` directive to bind the input value to the form’s data model, and we also add the `required` attribute to make the field required. The `ngIf` directive is used to conditionally display the error message when the input is invalid and has been touched by the user.

By using this approach, we can provide real-time feedback to users as they fill out the form, making it clear what actions they need to take to correct any errors. This can greatly improve the overall user experience and make the form more user-friendly.

Overall, displaying error messages in template driven forms in Angular is a simple but important aspect of building a good user interface. By using the `ngIf` directive along with the `ngModel` directive, we can easily show error messages when form fields are invalid, helping users to provide valid input and submit the form successfully.

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6 months ago

im sorry i know its not related to this video but i have issue in my code i want to pass props to another component i tried use "uselocation" and "usenavigate" it worked but i also need to pass it in 2 components can you help me? do you have discord or any social media to text you?