DIY Water Bottle Rocket: Step-by-Step Guide

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How to Make a Water Bottle Rocket

How to Make a Water Bottle Rocket

Water bottle rockets are a fun and easy way to learn about physics and aerodynamics. Plus, they make for a great outdoor activity!

Materials Needed:

  • 2-liter plastic soda bottle
  • Bicycle pump or air compressor
  • Cardboard or foam board
  • Duct tape
  • Scissors
  • Marker


  1. Start by cutting a small rectangular piece of cardboard or foam board. This will serve as the fins for your rocket.
  2. Use duct tape to securely attach the fins to the bottom of the soda bottle. Make sure they are evenly spaced for stability.
  3. Next, fill the soda bottle about one-third full with water.
  4. Screw the cap back on tightly.
  5. Take your bicycle pump or air compressor and attach it to the valve on the cap of the soda bottle.
  6. Pump air into the bottle until the pressure builds up enough to launch the rocket.
  7. Once enough pressure has built up, release the rocket and watch it blast off into the sky!

Safety Tips:

Make sure to launch your water bottle rocket in an open outdoor space away from people and buildings. Always wear safety goggles when launching the rocket to prevent any eye injuries.

Now you’re ready to have a blast with your homemade water bottle rocket! Experiment with different fin designs and water levels to see how they affect the flight of your rocket.