Django-Based Backend Web Development Course Using Python

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Python backend web development with Django is a popular choice for developers looking to build powerful and scalable web applications. In this tutorial, we will cover all the essentials of creating a backend web application using Python and Django.

Before we begin, make sure you have Python and Django installed on your system. You can install Python from the official website ( and Django using pip by running the following command:

pip install django

Once you have installed Python and Django, let’s create a new Django project by running the following command in your terminal:

django-admin startproject myproject

This will create a new Django project named myproject in your current directory. Navigate to the project directory by running:

cd myproject

Next, let’s create a new Django app within our project. Django apps are modules that provide specific functionality to your web application. To create a new app, run the following command:

python startapp myapp

Replace myapp with the name of your app. Once the app is created, you need to add it to the INSTALLED_APPS list in the file within your project directory. Open the file and add the following line to the INSTALLED_APPS list:


Now that we have our project and app set up, let’s create our first view. Views in Django are Python functions that take in a web request and return a web response. Create a new file named within your app directory and add the following code:

from django.http import HttpResponse

def home(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, World!")

Next, we need to create a URL pattern for our view. Create a new file named within your app directory and add the following code:

from django.urls import path
from . import views

urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.home, name='home'),

Now, we need to include our app’s urls in the main project file. Open the file within your project directory and add the following code:

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include('myapp.urls')),

Finally, run the development server by running the following command:

python runserver

Open your web browser and navigate to You should see the message "Hello, World!" displayed on the page.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a basic Django backend web application using Python. There are many more advanced features and concepts in Django that you can explore, such as models, forms, authentication, and more. I encourage you to dive deeper into the Django documentation to learn more about how to build powerful and scalable web applications with Python.

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# Basic Calculator Program

# Global Variables

attempt = 0

maxAttempt = 5

# Calculator function

# Parameters as local variables

def calculator(numb1, operator, numb2):

if operator == "+":

result = numb1 + numb2

print(f"nTotal: {str(result)}")

elif operator == "-":

result = numb1 – numb2

print(f"nTotal: {str(result)}")

elif operator == "*":

result = numb1 * numb2

print(f"nTotal: {str(result)}")

elif operator == "/":

# If the user inputs 0 when the operator is "/"

if numb2 == 0:

print("Error: Division by zero is not allowed!")


result = numb1 / numb2

print(f"nTotal: {str(result)}")


return False

return True

while attempt < maxAttempt:

number1 = int(input("Enter your first number: "))

selectOperator = input("| + | – | * | / |: ")

number2 = int(input("Enter your second number: "))

# Repeat user input loop if the operator is correct

if calculator(number1, selectOperator, number2):


# Increment attempt variable by 1


print(f"Invalid operator! Use this format: | + | – | * | / |")

attempt += 1

# Error message when maxAttempt is reached. The program will close

if attempt == maxAttempt:

print("nMax attempts reached.")

This is what I learned from this tutorial so far. Still learning
Huge respect to the team putting their efforts to compile this tutorial

Thank you

7 hours ago

Your anti imperialist lists are a great part of this course.

7 hours ago

02:05:16 hahaha

7 hours ago

the error am getting when i refresh a page after submitting the
form ValueError at /location/

The view location.views.register_location didn't return an HttpResponse object. It returned None instead. i get this error when i refresh a page

7 hours ago

When I press on the link to get the cheat sheet, it just tells me to add my name and email and then nothing happens
Can someone please help me

7 hours ago

the best course so far ! no stupid theorie just pure pratique and understanding

7 hours ago


7 hours ago

Guys i am new to coding. Could someone tell me if this course teaches us to build REST API

7 hours ago

Big thanks to you and Tomi for real i have wandering around trying other tutorials that claim to teach from scratch but they lie. Now am happy i can create a website with login and database and can allow me to post things. Big thanks to Tomi too

7 hours ago

iam not getting the file name in the step mkvirtualenv myapp step??? can anyone tell what to do with this step?? please

7 hours ago

Thanks so much, you are there for the good of everyone.

7 hours ago

at 26:00 lol

7 hours ago

Im so happy i can hear a Nigerian's voice. God bless you

7 hours ago

Love u man
I finally complete the course and learned a lot

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