Django breaks free from the LeQuint-Dickey Mining Company

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In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of Django escaping from the LeQuint-Dickey Mining Company, a fictional scenario inspired by the movie "Django Unchained".

Step 1: Planning your escape

Before attempting to escape, it is crucial to have a solid plan in place. Identify the weaknesses in the security system of the mining company and study the layout of the premises. Consider possible routes of escape and gather any tools or resources that might be helpful during your escape.

Step 2: Building alliances

One of the key elements of a successful escape plan is to build alliances with other inmates or workers within the mining company who might be able to assist you. Look for like-minded individuals who are also seeking freedom and establish a mutual trust with them.

Step 3: Creating a distraction

To increase your chances of escaping undetected, consider creating a distraction that will divert the attention of the guards and allow you to slip away unnoticed. This could be done by starting a fight, causing a commotion, or any other clever method that will draw attention away from your escape route.

Step 4: Breaking free

When the time comes to make your move, be prepared to act swiftly and decisively. Keep your wits about you and stay focused on your objective. Use any tools or resources you have gathered to help you overcome any obstacles that may stand in your way.

Step 5: Evading capture

Once you have broken free from the mining company, your next priority is to evade capture and make your way to safety. Stay vigilant and be prepared to adapt your escape route if necessary. Avoid main roads and populated areas to minimize the chances of being spotted.

Step 6: Seeking help

As you make your way to freedom, consider reaching out to allies or sympathizers who may be able to provide assistance or shelter. Keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to yourself as you navigate your way to safety.

Step 7: Staying cautious

Even after successfully escaping from the mining company, it is important to remain cautious and vigilant. Keep a low profile and avoid attracting unwanted attention. Stay connected with any allies or supporters who may be able to help you in case of emergency.

In conclusion, escaping from a place like the LeQuint-Dickey Mining Company requires careful planning, quick thinking, and the courage to take risks. By following these steps and staying focused on your goal, you can increase your chances of successfully escaping and regaining your freedom. Good luck!

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1 month ago

So glad I wasn’t no slave they would had to kill me

1 month ago

Hi blezz name of the song at the end?

1 month ago

I keep coming back to this video to watch that guy smile at the end as django rides back to candyland. It has approval, hope and amusement like "what a badass" all combined.

1 month ago

I love the 4:20 mark when the slaves prove django is telling mostly the truth! Nah he wasnt no slave

1 month ago

tbh my favourite aspect of this whole movie is how it kind of shows language and vocabulary that is common today, is a valuable tool in a time where most people were dumbbb. knowledge is knowing every word in the dictionary. intelligence is knowing how to use all those words you know. i havent figured what wisdom is yet. maybe it's not giving a slave your gun and horse just because he talks better than you haha.

1 month ago

“Who the fack is smitty Bacall” always cracks me tf up Lmaoo

1 month ago

I just came here to hear Quentin say “blekky”

1 month ago

lequint… le quint….le quenting? dickey mining company…. man this names are awesome…surprisingly tarantino is riding the horse..

1 month ago

6:29 … ~Truman always blasts INDISCRIMINATELY too… Jeeperᛋ!!!!! (Don't give him a Gun! Duh!!!)

1 month ago

Now why, would a slave, have a wanted dead or alive handbill, 🤌 in his pocket?

1 month ago

I’m aladeen he’s dead

1 month ago

"Shut up black" 💀

1 month ago

The Australian employee is played by John jarrett who also played killer Mick Taylor I’m both Wolf Creek films

1 month ago

See, this is why people who actually watched the movie don’t get fussed about some “white savior” trope. King obviously helps Django a ton, but then django becomes his own self sufficient character who helps and saves people on his own. For most of the movie Django is the true protagonist leading the plot along.

1 month ago

Corey Holcomb

1 month ago

Only Django can kill Mck Taylor

1 month ago

3:12 the willie Nelson lookin’ guys hat has a plastic tightener on the string lol

1 month ago

8:43 the white guy on the left? With the Australian accent?

That's Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek & Wolf Creek 2.

1 month ago

I'll never pay to see a tarantino film again now that he exposed himself as a z 10 nist supporter of is raeli GEN 0 SIDE.

1 month ago

Thank you QT!