“Django Unchained: 5,000 Objects” #shorts #djangounchained #quentintarantino

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“Django Unchained” is a 2012 American western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino. It stars Jamie Foxx as Django, a freed slave turned bounty hunter who teams up with a German bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz, played by Christoph Waltz, to rescue his wife Broomhilda, played by Kerry Washington, from a ruthless plantation owner, Calvin Candie, played by Leonardo DiCaprio. The film also features performances from Samuel L. Jackson, Walton Goggins, and Don Johnson.

One of the most iconic scenes from “Django Unchained” is the “5,000 Things” scene. In this scene, Dr. King Schultz and Django are posing as potential buyers at a slave auction. Schultz is pretending to be a dentist and is interested in purchasing a slave named Broomhilda. Calvin Candie, the owner of the plantation, brings out Broomhilda and begins to show off her intelligence by asking her a series of questions.

During the questioning, Candie asks Broomhilda how many pieces of silverware are in the dining room. Broomhilda confidently responds, “5,000 things.” This response confuses Candie and the other onlookers, as they were expecting a specific number. However, Schultz quickly steps in and explains that Broomhilda was referring to the individual pieces of silverware, not the actual number.

This scene is a shining example of Tarantino’s unique blend of humor and tension. It showcases the intelligence and resourcefulness of the characters while also highlighting the absurdity of the slave trade and the dehumanization of its victims.

To reenact the “5,000 Things” scene from Django Unchained, you will need the following:

– A group of actors to play the roles of Dr. King Schultz, Django, Calvin Candie, Broomhilda, and the other onlookers at the auction.
– A set or location that resembles a plantation or slave auction.
– Props such as silverware and other items to create an authentic atmosphere.
– Costumes and makeup to match the characters from the film.

To begin, set up the scene by recreating the plantation setting and assembling your actors in their respective roles. Make sure everyone is familiar with their lines and cues to ensure a smooth performance.

Once everything is in place, begin the scene with the introduction of Broomhilda by Calvin Candie. As Candie starts asking her questions, have Broomhilda confidently respond with “5,000 things” when asked about the silverware in the dining room.

This unexpected response should elicit a reaction from the other characters, particularly Calvin Candie and Dr. King Schultz. As the tension builds, Schultz can step in and explain the misunderstanding to diffuse the situation and showcase his quick thinking.

The key to successfully reenacting the “5,000 Things” scene is to capture the balance of humor and drama that Tarantino is known for. Pay attention to the character dynamics and use the dialogue to build suspense and intrigue among the characters.

Overall, the “5,000 Things” scene from Django Unchained is a memorable and impactful moment that showcases the wit and resilience of the characters in the face of oppression. By following this tutorial and putting your own spin on the scene, you can bring this iconic moment to life and pay homage to the brilliance of Quentin Tarantino’s filmmaking.

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24 days ago

YOU CAN WATCH THIS MOVIE "DJANGO UNCHAINED" (2012) HERE: https://movieinsight.online/django-unchained-2012-full-hd/

24 days ago

Could you imagine if Philip Michael Thomas played Django .

24 days ago

Bro changed his vocab after the 5000 dollar offer

24 days ago

White guy here obviously and I can’t watch Tarantino movies in the theater no more for fear his love of using the shit out of the “N”word as much as possible will catch me a white guy related ass whipping on the way to the parking lot. so please tone it down I’m sick of watching these at home lol. White people tell me you don’t feel that twitch inside when it’s like ok that’s #67 in this movie and we only 20 min in……

24 days ago

Crockett still rocking the mullet, god I love him

24 days ago

Zesty Colonel Sanders

24 days ago

One of the objections to this movie was that its depiction of slavery wasn’t harsh enough – the slaves are generally well dressed, well groomed, well fed and polite. Some of them are shown on children’s swings.

24 days ago

Great movie!!

24 days ago

Colonel Sanders before the Chicken business

24 days ago

Best movie in history

24 days ago

Yessir Big Daddy

24 days ago

Mf was out here trying to steal the 5 secret seasonings. 💀💀

24 days ago


24 days ago

Don Johnson was brilliant in this movie

24 days ago

Respecto los yama jimmy. Para no ofender a nadie ❤❤❤❤❤

24 days ago

Po little squirrels

24 days ago

Now why didn’t they make an appointment 🙄 😅

24 days ago

Betina scared the horse…

24 days ago

They cut off the best paer of the scene.

24 days ago

I guarantee u he SPECIALIZES in lightskinned slaves 😂😂😂😂😂

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