
Dockerizing Your Vue.js App with Nginx for Development

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Running Docker in Vue.js with Nginx

Dockerize Your Vue.js App

#devla #docker #vuejs #nginx

Running Docker in Vue.js with Nginx is a great way to containerize your Vue.js application and make it easy to deploy in different environments. Docker allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a standardized container that can run on any system that has Docker installed.

By using Nginx as a reverse proxy server, you can also easily configure your Vue.js app to work with Docker. Nginx will handle the incoming requests and pass them to the Vue.js app running in a Docker container.

Steps to Run Docker in Vue.js with Nginx

  1. Create a Dockerfile for your Vue.js application. This file will contain the instructions for building your Docker image.
  2. Configure Nginx to work as a reverse proxy for your Vue.js app. You will need to create an Nginx configuration file that directs traffic to your Vue.js app running in a Docker container.
  3. Build your Docker image using the Dockerfile you created for your Vue.js app.
  4. Run your Docker container, making sure to map the necessary ports and volumes for Nginx and your Vue.js app.

Benefits of Running Docker in Vue.js with Nginx

By containerizing your Vue.js app with Docker and using Nginx as a reverse proxy, you can easily deploy your application across different environments. This makes it easier to scale your app and manage its dependencies.

Additionally, Docker allows you to package your application and its dependencies into a single container, making it easy to share with others and ensuring consistency in different environments.


Running Docker in Vue.js with Nginx is a powerful way to containerize your Vue.js app and make it easier to deploy across different environments. Docker and Nginx work together to simplify the deployment process and ensure consistency in your application’s behavior.

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Dmytro Velenets
7 months ago

can you explain please, in result we have two containers but i need only one with vue-app so i can delete other one?

Dmytro Velenets
7 months ago


7 months ago


Amir Tec
7 months ago

not good

xiao ya
7 months ago
