Donald Trump Files Lawsuits Against 20 Media Outlets Over Claims about Truth Social’s Financial Performance

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Former President Donald Trump and his company, Trump Media and Technology Group, have filed a lawsuit against 20 media outlets for reporting that Truth Social, the social media platform launched by Trump, is losing money.

The lawsuit, which was filed in the Southern District of Florida, alleges that the media outlets published false and defamatory statements about Truth Social’s financial performance. The lawsuit seeks damages in excess of $1 billion.

At the heart of the lawsuit is the claim that Truth Social is actually performing well and is not losing money, as the media outlets have suggested. The lawsuit alleges that the media outlets acted with actual malice in publishing their reports, knowing that they were false or with reckless disregard for the truth.

This lawsuit is part of a broader trend of Trump and his company taking legal action against media outlets for reporting on the performance of their businesses. In recent months, the Trump Organization has filed similar lawsuits against The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN for their reporting on the company’s financial situation.

The lawsuit comes as Truth Social has faced some challenges since its launch. The platform experienced technical issues and a slow rollout, leading to criticism and skepticism about its viability as a competitor to established social media platforms.

It’s important to note that the lawsuit will be heavily scrutinized as it raises questions about free speech and press freedom. Journalists and media organizations have a responsibility to report on the financial performance of businesses, and they should be able to do so without fear of legal retribution.

At the same time, businesses have a right to protect their reputations and financial interests. It will be up to the courts to determine whether the media outlets acted with actual malice in their reporting and whether their reporting was indeed false and defamatory.

Regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, it’s clear that it represents a broader tension between media freedom and corporate interests. As the case unfolds, it will be important to keep an eye on how it might impact the ability of media outlets to report on the financial performance of businesses in the future.

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6 months ago

Now agent orange is trying to get others to pay his debts on his "Truth" Social account, because they are hemorrhaging money. He thinks he's slick. I agree with you what you said Cousins, agent orange doesn't want to go through with it.

6 months ago

And who could believe Trumpty-DUMB-TY could get his head any further up his own ass.

6 months ago

Your screwed fatso

6 months ago

Donald Trump basically has defamed everyone, including those of his own party. The whole country should sue him.

6 months ago

With The Attorneys Trump Hires To That I Say Good Luck 😅

6 months ago

That's how he made his money by suing people.

6 months ago

One would think Trumplet would be weary of court battles by now. Unfortunately, one would be wrong. Everyone who is frivolously sued by Trumplet should countersue for damages.

6 months ago

Truth Social sounds like another Trump business failure, like his water, steaks, games, university, etc. Another way of declaring bankrupcy.

6 months ago

I bet the company has falsified its financial statements. $23-million in losses? Hell no bruh, I fully expect this number to skyrocket!

6 months ago


6 months ago

This is hilarious! Another time! Again! 🤡🎪🎡 it’s always on purpose to harm him! 😂🤣

6 months ago

Lets face it Trump isn't beyond cooking the books so who knows which version he'd provide

6 months ago

Trump can't Sue anybody because he can't sit for a deposition.

6 months ago

Cry baby cry baby suck a momma titty

6 months ago

One would think that with all the charges he is currently facing and the amount of " evidence" he is facing. His priorities would be somewhere else!

6 months ago

This is just another case of Trump using the court system to bully and intimidate people/organizations. . To make them spend money unnecessarily. . To inconvenience and harrass them.
It's his M.O. that has been used for 35 years or more. . .
In the past it worked. . But now everyone is a wake-up to his B.S. and like Farron points out. .
The media organizations will say. . "OK. Trump and DWA . Sue us. . As part of the discovery for the case we want to look WAAAAAY UP your financial WAZOO. . !"
I don't think the Trump idiots want THAT!

6 months ago

Pull the plug on Truth social and trump !!

6 months ago

Can america sue trump for nothing burger court case for the return of tax dollars going for his defense.

6 months ago

Trump is just mad someone beat him at his own game

6 months ago

tRUMPster: Lawsuit against media
tRUMPster: Appeal