During his presidency, Trump made $160 million in foreign business deals.

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In the four years that Donald Trump served as the 45th President of the United States, he made an astonishing $160 million in foreign business deals. This revelation has raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the influence foreign entities may have had on his policies and decisions while in office.

According to a recent report by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), Trump’s company earned the hefty amount from deals in countries such as Turkey, India, and the Philippines. These profits were made through licensing deals, real estate sales, and other business ventures. In some cases, these deals directly involved government entities or individuals with ties to foreign governments.

The report highlights the fact that Trump did not fully divest from his business empire after taking office, which has been a source of controversy since the beginning of his presidency. Instead, he placed his assets in a trust and allowed his sons to run the Trump Organization. This arrangement raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest and whether Trump’s actions as president were influenced by his personal financial interests.

One of the most notable deals that Trump made while in office was a licensing agreement in Turkey, where an estimated $13 million was earned. This deal is particularly concerning given Trump’s controversial relationship with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from northern Syria, a move that was widely seen as benefiting Turkish interests.

In India, the Trump Organization reportedly earned around $36 million from licensing deals and sales of luxury properties. This has raised questions about whether Trump’s friendly relationship with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi influenced his foreign policy decisions and trade negotiations with India.

In the Philippines, Trump’s business earned approximately $3 million through a licensing deal. This is particularly troubling given the close ties between the Trump Organization and Jose E.B. Antonio, a Filipino developer with ties to President Rodrigo Duterte, whose authoritarian regime has been criticized for human rights abuses.

These lucrative foreign deals have reignited the debate over the need for a president to fully divest from their business interests to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. Critics argue that Trump’s refusal to do so allowed foreign entities to potentially influence his decisions as president, undermining the integrity of the office.

The revelation of these foreign business deals also raises questions about the lack of transparency and accountability in Trump’s financial dealings. Despite calls for him to release his tax returns and fully disclose his business transactions, Trump consistently refused to do so, breaking with a long-standing tradition among presidential candidates and officeholders.

Overall, the report on Trump’s $160 million in foreign business deals while serving as president has added fuel to the ongoing debate about potential conflicts of interest and the need for greater transparency and accountability in presidential finances. It remains to be seen whether these revelations will lead to any legal consequences for Trump or prompt changes in the ethics and disclosure requirements for future presidents.

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6 months ago

The gloves should be off against donald trump and his irrational, lunatic and dumb as rocks followers

6 months ago

Sounds to me like the republicans are always the friggin problem.

6 months ago

Corrupt trump crime family

6 months ago

Government should seize those profits

6 months ago

see that's what I'm talking about. He's only interested in making deals for himself. What about the american people????? What are you gonna do for us????? VOTE BLUE!!!!

6 months ago

Humpty reaped more than that! The Repugs aren't as stupid as they appear 2 be…sneaky, corrupt and afraid of an overweight orange wheat haired vaginal lips clown! Dems and millions of sane Repubs had better turn this evil worship around…VOTE 💙…save democracy.

6 months ago

But thats totally acceptable to Republicans unless its a democrat accused of the same

6 months ago

Oh well I didn't expect any better from him i knew he was still doing his backdoor deals on his golf course once a crook always a crook

6 months ago

Thats why team Trump is feverisjly trying to find ANYTHING tying Biden to anything, even if he wasn't even president at the time! 😂😂

6 months ago

🤔 Now it makes sense why Trump want his people to try to find something on Biden cause he know his dirty deeds will come to light . So if they found anything like that on Biden Trump can say Biden did it also . Dam Trump is the dirtiest crook on earth .

6 months ago

Gee but let’s go after Biden and hunter

6 months ago

Hypocrisy has always been synonymous with the Taliban loving insurrectionist Vladimir Putin ass kissing Republican party!

6 months ago

I always say if Trump saying one thing and look in his backyard because chances are he’s done it and he’s blaming someone else

6 months ago

He did cash in if not just give the money to Me I'm disabled soon il be in a wheel chair Mr trump did his job well I'm not sure about this I've never heard about this I did see Mr Biden do a qud pro qou sorry I saw it on TV

6 months ago

The GOP need to take there rose colored glasses off when it comes to trump !

6 months ago

A male bunny with wings like a phoenix

6 months ago

and how much did he make from his own country ? How much overall did the us govt pay for rooms at mar a lago ?

6 months ago

Also every Republican that supported him is an accessory to and after the fact and they are just as guilty of Treason as Trump is himself!!!!!!!!!!!

6 months ago

Trump played the fool while violating the emoluments clause of the constitution while he was in office and it is obvious he should be imprisoned for that alone!!!!!!!!

6 months ago

Yeah, do you think the Repulsive party will investigate the orange dough boy!!