
Easily Deploy a React & Node Express App Online in Minutes with Railway (No Credit Card Required)

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Deploy React & Node Express App Online with Railway

How to Deploy React & Node Express App Online in Minutes with Railway (No Credit Card Needed)

Deploying your React & Node Express app online can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to server deployment and hosting. But fear not, Railway makes it easy to deploy your app online in just a few minutes, and the best part is, you don’t even need a credit card!

Step 1: Sign Up for Railway

The first step is to sign up for a free account on Railway. Simply visit their website and click on the “Sign Up” button. You will be prompted to create an account using your email address and a password. Once you’ve signed up, you’re ready to start deploying your app.

Step 2: Set Up Your Project

Before you can deploy your app, you need to have it set up and ready to go. If you haven’t already, create a React front-end and a Node Express back-end for your app. Make sure that your project is working locally before attempting to deploy it.

Step 3: Deploy Your App

Once your project is set up, deploying it with Railway is a breeze. Simply log in to your Railway account and click on the “New Project” button. Then, follow the prompts to connect your GitHub repository and choose the branch you want to deploy. Railway will take care of the rest, setting up your app in a matter of minutes.

Step 4: Enjoy Your Deployed App

Once your app is deployed, Railway will provide you with a unique URL where your app is now live. You can share this URL with anyone to show off your app, and Railway will also handle all of the hosting and server maintenance for you.

That’s it! With Railway, deploying your React & Node Express app online is quick and painless. And the best part is, you can do it all for free, with no credit card required. So what are you waiting for? Sign up for Railway today and get your app online in minutes!

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7 months ago

terimakasih informasinya bang

7 months ago

Thank you! This was exactly the solution I was looking for to deploy my first full stack app. I've been learning React and have deployed a few frontend only projects, but deploying the backend into production was confusing me. There are so many different options for doing this, with different pros and cons, but this seems to be the best and simplest option.

Just as a note to others – You can indeed sign up for Railway and deploy your app for free on their 1 week trial that gives you a $5 credit, but as of my writing this (October 2023), Railway's formerly free tier no longer exists. After the one week trial, their minimum tier is $5 per month. Given how useful this service is, I think that's a fair price.

7 months ago

Hi, I've deployed two stuff on railway, the first one is ruby on rail that serve as backend api and websocket cable connection server, and the other hand is react + vite as frontend app. The first one is successfully deployed. but the react + vite app is not. The first thing I did is just like you, straight adding the project right outta the github repo, but it gives me error the first time, caused by that is the deploy command is empty. Then, I try some work around like npm run dev, run serve, or run preview, those command work well on the railway, but it gives port 5173 and host 'localhost'. how can i access my frontend app? it doesn't show on generated domain. thx

7 months ago

What does it mean if your Express API works perfectly on localhost but when you deploy to Railway it gives the error
""Cannot GET /read"?

7 months ago

If you have Mongodb or PostgreSQL database. Then where do you prefer database to host ?

7 months ago

I've deployed my backend successfully on Railway. Now I want to do the same with my React/Vite frontend. The difference with this video, is that you have to specify the build command (npm run build), but also a start command. I don't know what to put on a start command. Previously the frontend was on Render, I just had to specify the directory (so, /dist).

7 months ago

Great video man, thanks!