East African Regional Force to Finish Withdrawing from DR Congo

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The East African regional force, also known as the Intervention Brigade, is set to complete its withdrawal from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after years of deployment to help stabilize the country.

The Intervention Brigade, which consists of troops from Tanzania, South Africa, and Malawi, was initially deployed to the DRC in 2013 as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission. Its main objective was to neutralize armed groups and protect civilians in the conflict-ridden eastern region of the country.

Over the years, the force has made significant progress in tackling various armed groups, including the M23 rebel group, which was defeated and disbanded in 2013. The Intervention Brigade also played a crucial role in combating other armed groups, such as the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) and the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR).

However, the decision to withdraw the East African regional force from the DRC comes as the security situation in the region has improved, and the Congolese government has expressed its desire for a gradual exit of foreign troops from the country.

The withdrawal of the Intervention Brigade reflects the progress that has been made in restoring peace and stability in the DRC. It also signals the growing confidence in the ability of the Congolese security forces to maintain security and address the remaining challenges in the country.

While the withdrawal of the East African regional force is a positive development, it is essential to ensure that the gains made in combating armed groups are not reversed. The Congolese government, with the support of the United Nations and other international partners, must continue to prioritize security sector reform and capacity-building efforts to ensure that the country’s security forces are well-equipped and capable of maintaining peace and security.

The withdrawal of the Intervention Brigade also underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of conflict in the DRC, including governance issues, economic inequalities, and the illicit exploitation of natural resources. It is crucial for the Congolese government to prioritize inclusive governance, economic development, and the promotion of human rights and the rule of law to address these underlying issues and prevent the resurgence of violence in the country.

As the East African regional force completes its withdrawal from the DRC, it is important to recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by the troops in promoting peace and security in the country. Their efforts have undoubtedly made a significant impact in the fight against armed groups and have helped create a more stable and secure environment for the people of the DRC.

Moving forward, it will be essential for the Congolese government and the international community to continue supporting efforts to address the remaining challenges in the DRC and to work towards sustainable peace and development in the country. The withdrawal of the Intervention Brigade is a positive step, but it must be accompanied by sustained efforts to address the root causes of conflict and to build a more peaceful and prosperous future for the people of the DRC.

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6 months ago

That means M23 is supported by Kagame 💯 if M23 said they couldn’t allow DRC government to control the area. FDAR it’s
Resistance group fighters for freedom for Rwandan refugees Occupied in Congo that get often killed by Rwandan army
I’m saying this as I witness happened from 1995 to present.

6 months ago

If hutu is Drcongo snd tutsi they must go back to Rwanda where they come from

6 months ago

Southafrican defence forces

6 months ago

Minerals and business ware

6 months ago


6 months ago

Will bring in WAGNER PMC. Look at Mali now with Wagners in the picture.

6 months ago

Very good UN should leave too and invite Wagner please..

6 months ago

This east African Ineffective, and useless forces led by Kenya. They were there to loot the natural resources of DRC which is mostly Diamond.

6 months ago

Ineffectiveness and stealing! One cry of thief and whole villige is on the lookout.