
Easy Server Side Rendering: SSR Any React App in 7 Minutes

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How To SSR Any React App In 7 Minutes

How To SSR Any React App In 7 Minutes (Server Side Rendering Made Easy)

If you’ve been working with React, you may have come across the term Server Side Rendering (SSR). SSR is the process of rendering web pages on the server side before sending them to the client. This can improve the performance of your application and is essential for SEO and social media sharing. In this article, we will discuss how to implement SSR in any React app in just 7 minutes.

Step 1: Install Dependencies

The first step is to install the necessary dependencies. You will need to install the react-dom/server package, as well as any additional packages required for your specific application. Make sure to run the following command in your terminal:

npm install react-dom/server

Step 2: Create Server-Side Rendering Function

Next, create a server-side rendering function in your React app. This function will use the renderToString method from react-dom/server to render your app on the server side. Here’s an example of how to do this:

import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server';
import App from './App'; // replace with your app component

const renderApp = () => {
const html = renderToString();
return html;

Step 3: Set Up Express Server

Now, set up an Express server to serve your React app with server-side rendering. Here’s an example of how to do this:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get('*', (req, res) => {
const html = renderApp(); // replace with your server-side rendering function

SSR React App


// replace with your bundle script


app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);


And that’s it! With just a few simple steps, you can implement server-side rendering in any React app. This can greatly improve the performance and SEO of your application, and is essential for creating a dynamic and interactive user experience.

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6 months ago

how to use react helmet in it
for dynamic meta tags

6 months ago

how to do it if you are using redux

6 months ago

#Basir Sir in my nextjs project i have two type of components on for mobile and second for desktop so what i want i want to use "userAgent" and render component based on user device type this is my nextjs 13 project middleware file code [import { NextRequest, NextResponse, userAgent } from 'next/server'

export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {

const { device } = userAgent(request)

const viewport = device.type === 'mobile' ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'

request.nextUrl.searchParams.set('viewport', viewport)

return NextResponse.rewrite(request.nextUrl)

}] so please meke on video on this topic how to i render component based on user device type i mean if user come from mobile then i want only load mobile component from server and render so how to i do that in my nextjs 13 app directory project please make video on this topic

6 months ago

Thank you,Basir!
If data fetching is implemented within the component, after server-side rendering (SSR), the page source will not correctly display the fetched content. Instead, it will show the Loading component. How can we fix this issue?

6 months ago

thanks sir for tthis video can you make other teach how deploy it to namesheap? thanks

6 months ago

Beautiful tutorial, would be great if you could make a video of how to SSR mern-amazona ecomerce project teacher ! (the latest one)

6 months ago

Can this really work for large project fetching data from backend

6 months ago

Needed concept of React developers, thanks alot sir for this tutorial

6 months ago


6 months ago
