Easy Steps to Create a Spinning Neck for Your Vacuum Flask

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How to Make Vacuum Flask Neck Spinning

How to Make Vacuum Flask Neck Spinning

Spinning the neck of a vacuum flask can be a fun and entertaining trick to show off to your friends. Here’s how you can do it:

Materials Needed:

  • Vacuum Flask
  • Hot Water


  1. Fill the vacuum flask with hot water and close the lid tightly.
  2. Hold the flask securely in one hand and grip the lid with the other hand.
  3. Start twisting the lid in a circular motion while holding the flask steady.
  4. Continue spinning the neck of the flask until you start to see the water inside swirling around.

Voila! You have successfully spun the neck of the vacuum flask. This trick works because the hot water inside creates a vortex when spun quickly, causing the water to swirl around in a mesmerizing motion.

Remember to be careful while performing this trick and make sure the lid is securely closed to avoid any spills. Have fun impressing your friends with this simple but fascinating experiment!

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