Effective Techniques for Loading and Managing API Keys in Python

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Properly Load & Manage API Keys in Python

When working with APIs in Python, it is important to properly load and manage API keys to ensure security and efficiency. API keys are unique identifiers that authenticate your application to an API server and grant access to its resources. Here are some best practices for loading and managing API keys in your Python projects:

1. Store API Keys in Environment Variables

One common practice is to store API keys in environment variables rather than hardcoding them in your code. This helps protect your keys from being exposed in your version control system or inadvertently shared. You can set environment variables in your shell or in a configuration file and access them in your Python code using the os module.

import os

api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')

2. Use a Configuration File

Another approach is to store API keys in a separate configuration file that is not tracked by version control. You can create a JSON or YAML file with your keys and load them into your Python code when needed.

import json

with open('config.json') as f:
    config = json.load(f)
    api_key = config['API_KEY']

3. Use a Package like python-dotenv

The python-dotenv package allows you to store configuration variables (including API keys) in a .env file in your project directory. This file is not tracked by version control and can be loaded into your Python code using the dotenv module.

Install the package using pip:

pip install python-dotenv

Create a .env file in your project directory:


Load the API key in your Python code:

from dotenv import load_dotenv


api_key = os.getenv('API_KEY')

4. Use a Key Vault Service

If you are working on a large-scale project or need to securely manage multiple API keys, consider using a key vault service like AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, or Google Cloud Secret Manager. These services provide a secure and centralized way to store and manage your API keys.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your API keys are properly loaded and managed in your Python projects, keeping your code secure and efficient.

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2 days ago

That's a cool terminal customization

2 days ago

Does this still work in June 2024? I saw somewhere that client was updated and/or may not be able to be used?

2 days ago

chears !

2 days ago

One more thing to add to the video – if you'll be uploading the project to github, also create a .ignore file in the same directory as the .env file and simply put ".env" (without the quotes) in it.

2 days ago

what about the .env file when launching the webste? isnt it vulnerable for malisious users whoose purpouse is to get the api keys?

2 days ago


2 days ago

Great information. Probably better if you slow down for us newbies.😊

2 days ago

Informative, thank you. Could you explain the secure way of doing this, with encryption and password protection? TIA

2 days ago

Big thanks! I didn't know about SETX for windows!

2 days ago

Very well explained.

2 days ago

Against which type of attack is this security measure is? What stops intruder to type out these variables and stealing the api keys if they go that far to have an access to files on the server

2 days ago

Thanks for your videos
I'm making an app that uses google's Youtube API
how to hide the API key when I install the application on another computer?

2 days ago


2 days ago

I don't really get it – if you don't want the API key visible in the script but have a file you can open in the same directory then it's not really much improvement on security? I was expecting some encryption?

2 days ago

Flori ❤

2 days ago

I think that just using module variables in a "secret" directory is just as safe, and simpler, pure python. convince me i am wrong.

2 days ago

Am I the only one that is addicted to the intro beat❤

2 days ago

Tkanks for summary!

2 days ago

Great demo – cheers !

2 days ago

Does anyone know what theme he is using for bash or zsh in the Ubuntu environment?

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