
Eliminating ReactJS: A Handbook for Aspiring Frameworks

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Killing ReactJS – A Guide For Hopeful Frameworks

The Rise of ReactJS

In recent years, ReactJS has become one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for building user interfaces. Its declarative and component-based approach, along with its virtual DOM rendering, has revolutionized the way front-end development is done. However, as with any technology, there are always contenders looking to dethrone the king.

The Challengers

There are several frameworks and libraries that are looking to challenge ReactJS for the top spot in the world of front-end development. Some of the most notable contenders include Vue.js, Angular, Svelte, and Ember. Each of these frameworks offers its own unique features and benefits, and they all have their sights set on surpassing ReactJS in popularity and usage.

Strategies for Taking Down ReactJS

So, how can a hopeful framework go about dethroning ReactJS? There are a few key strategies that can be employed:

  1. Performance: One of the main criticisms of ReactJS is its performance, particularly when dealing with large and complex applications. A new framework that can offer superior performance and faster rendering times could potentially sway developers away from ReactJS.
  2. Developer Experience: Another area where a challenger could gain an edge is in providing a more streamlined and enjoyable developer experience. This could include features such as better tooling, smoother documentation, and a more intuitive API.
  3. Community Support: Building a strong and active community is crucial for the success of any framework. A new contender will need to cultivate a passionate and engaged community of developers who are willing to contribute to the framework and help it grow.

The Future of Front-End Development

As the battle for supremacy in the world of front-end development rages on, it’s clear that ReactJS has some worthy opponents nipping at its heels. Whether or not any of these hopeful frameworks will be able to truly “kill” ReactJS remains to be seen, but one thing is for certain: the competition is fierce, and the future of front-end development is sure to be an exciting one.

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6 months ago

I think that many other frameworks like AstroJS will appear and support React, and people will still use it until there is no other library as popular as React. But when we get to the point where something like SolidJS is well known and supported, React will start to die.

6 months ago

React is going to be a cobol.

Wide adoption across, corporate momentum keeping it alive

6 months ago

its 2023 and the company im working at standardized React, no other frontend framework or library is being used or even allowed to be used. Everything goes through standardization and through smart cloud (firewall team) pen tests. At least in my company I know if I get good at react from every angle then ill have the potential to grow within and make my salary grow with it.

6 months ago

are you Adam Scott's brother ?

6 months ago

I was actually considering switching to a different framework like Vue or Solid.
But then Next 13 came out and I didn't do the switch.

6 months ago

React ain't a framework. Angular is a framework

6 months ago

fk it let just kill the web instead

6 months ago


It is that Wednesday afternoon I am watching. You have terrified me.

6 months ago

I wish React could rapidly evolve to work as SolidJS and adopt all the new good patterns introduced by new frameworks like Svelte and Qwik

6 months ago

React is Java's spring. Like Javascript, java had new frameworks every week more than a decade ago. Like React, Spring won the framework wars.

React will continue to be king in JS, but it will be boring and just pays the bill

6 months ago

I feel like bootstrapping an app adding UI library + authentication+ state management + other tooling like prettier (or if setting up mono repo then god it takes more than 1-2 days) eats a lot of time. Redwoodjs and couple other frameworks now provide one single command to just add these. So, if new frameworks make adoption easy then its easier to make a switch. In my opinion, I am willing to learn a framework but not willing to leave the ecosystem (third party libs and all).

6 months ago

The way he said “chasm” 😂

6 months ago

React saved my marriage and rescued my 4 year old from a burning building. I can't wait to commit tax fraud and frame React for it

6 months ago

1. Kill React
2. Kill JavaScript
3. ???
4. Return to Monke

6 months ago

What this industry needs is people that solve the problem they have instead of focusing in details that just move the problem around.

6 months ago

Solid and Svelte are killers. I just wish there were better ways to learn more about Solid/Solid updates than Ryan's streams. He is a SEEEUUUPER smart/good guy… But, 4-5 hours every other week/month explaining the nuances of a Solid Js feature that we average devs can't make us of today isn't going to make anyone abandon React. Let alone use Solid over Svelte. Learn from Rich Harris, please. Rich shows us how to get something done with his work in 20-40 minutes with time for questions. Ryan shows us how to play with his work… for 4-5 hours (Or shows up to other streams and runs over the time going on tangents) and ends up not getting anything done. Anyway, there needs to be more coverage of Solid because it really is a great framework and deserves more shine.

6 months ago

Anyone have thoughts on qwik? I was super excited after a first read of the docs but not as sure after using it. Great tech or great marketing?

6 months ago

I honestly like the idea. Istarted to learn react when webpack was still the onl;y real bundler of choice. Then i migrated to vue because it was just soo much simpler and aesthetic (ofc this is an opinion) I much more like the vue way with .vue files than the react way with javascript/JSX and ofc. vue has its pitfalls… but is more forgiving than react

6 months ago

Surely, NextJS has gained as much popularity as it has because Vercel want to sell their services and have poured a lot of money into its development and promotion. It’s to attract more devs to their platform and make more money in the long term.

6 months ago

Svelt and solid js looks nice. But the lack of tools and libraries support is a nah nah