Elite Dangerous Side Deck for Raspberry Pi 4 – PiKeyDeck

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PiKeyDeck – Raspberry Pi 4 Side Deck for Elite Dangerous

PiKeyDeck – Raspberry Pi 4 Side Deck for Elite Dangerous

If you’re an Elite Dangerous player, you know the importance of having quick access to key commands while piloting your ship. The PiKeyDeck is a solution that can enhance your gaming experience by providing a customizable side deck for easy access to commands and controls.

The PiKeyDeck is powered by a Raspberry Pi 4, a small but powerful computer that can be programmed to display custom key commands and macros. This means you can have dedicated buttons for tasks such as deploying landing gear, engaging supercruise, or deploying hardpoints without having to fumble through menus or remember complex keyboard shortcuts.

Features of the PiKeyDeck

  • Customizable key commands and macros
  • Compact and portable design
  • Programmable using Python and other programming languages
  • Compatible with Elite Dangerous and other games

How to Use the PiKeyDeck

Using the PiKeyDeck is simple. Once you’ve programmed the key commands and macros you want to use, you can connect the PiKeyDeck to your computer and assign the buttons to specific in-game commands. The compact design of the PiKeyDeck means it can be placed on your gaming setup without taking up too much space, and the customizable buttons make it easy to access the commands you need without interrupting your gameplay.

Final Thoughts

The PiKeyDeck is a fantastic addition to any Elite Dangerous player’s gaming setup. Its customizable nature means you can tailor it to your specific needs, and its compact design makes it a great addition to any gaming environment. Whether you’re a casual player or a serious commander, the PiKeyDeck can enhance your gaming experience and make piloting your ship in Elite Dangerous more enjoyable than ever.

So if you’re looking for a way to streamline your gaming experience and have quick access to key commands and controls, the PiKeyDeck is definitely worth considering.

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6 months ago

That's really impressive! Good job