Engineer Explains Why the Raspberry Pi Is No More

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Engineer Explains: Raspberry Pi is FINALLY Dead, Here’s Why

Engineer Explains: Raspberry Pi is FINALLY Dead, Here’s Why

For years, the Raspberry Pi has been a staple in the world of DIY electronics and hobbyist projects. However, recent developments have signaled the end of an era for this beloved mini computer.

One of the main reasons for the demise of the Raspberry Pi is the rapid advancement of technology. As newer, more powerful single-board computers enter the market, the Raspberry Pi has struggled to keep up. Its limited processing power and memory have become major bottlenecks for users looking to tackle more complex projects.

Another factor contributing to the downfall of the Raspberry Pi is its lack of expandability. While the board itself is compact and affordable, it lacks the flexibility and customization options that other SBCs offer. This has made it less appealing to users who require more versatility in their projects.

Additionally, the Raspberry Pi Foundation has faced criticism for its slow response to user feedback and feature requests. Many users have grown frustrated with the lack of support and updates, leading them to seek out alternative options.

Despite its decline, the Raspberry Pi will always hold a special place in the hearts of DIY enthusiasts and makers around the world. Its impact on the SBC market cannot be overstated, and its legacy will live on through the countless projects and innovations it inspired.

As we say goodbye to the Raspberry Pi, we look forward to the new possibilities that lie ahead in the world of DIY electronics. Who knows what groundbreaking technologies and innovations await us in the future?

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2 months ago

This video did not age well with the announcement of the pi 5.

2 months ago

Raspberry pi is useless crap, it's a joke that they change the price you can get better alternatives including old arm cortex boards and mobile phones, my last pi looked best in the bin while i was using my laptop

2 months ago

Lmao undisclosed paid promotion

2 months ago

Bizarre to call something more than 2x the price of the Pi a "killer" of the platform. I'm not sure you really know what you're talking about.

2 months ago

8 months later, and they are out of stock literally everywhere 💀

2 months ago

First video from the channel that I watch, and probably the last, I also stopped following the bearded guy from Self Host, for making the same video, where the hell is something that costs up to 4x more is a killer?

2 months ago

"I was surprised to find 10 of these at my doorstep." Okay, so this is a paid advertisement. Got it.

2 months ago

You can't make a f*ckin' robot with that stupid zima board, lol!

2 months ago

And if I want GPIOs to control LEDs without needing an external device, what then?

2 months ago

For 200$ You can get a amd ryzen 5600u apu + 16 ram + 500gb mini pc with hdmi $ usb and adapter etc etc

2 months ago

For 135$ Checkout Geekom G3 n100 256G +8 gb ram

2 months ago

So basically you have proven your own title wrong. Could have worded it very differently…

2 months ago

I am in pain thinking about the dumbing down of hobby computers.
People that buy a Pi buy it to tinker, not as a canned complete products.
Both the charm and the functionality rely on its simplicity.

2 months ago

This wasn't fair, I think he just hates the pi

2 months ago

Absolute nonsense!!

2 months ago

200$ and 100$ price comparison? Pi users + support + projects + different OS =/= Zima

2 months ago

Yeah you can’t compare the two tbh the pi still wins

2 months ago

bruuuuu this sucks compared to pi 5

2 months ago

I use my zima board with my raspberry pi 5. They work well together. I prefer pi over zima because zimaboard is powerful but the user base of pi is much much greater. I do like casaos need some improvements and the ability to reach it like home assistant..

2 months ago

But Celeron Sucks. Give me some arm, for the f sake.