
Enhance Payment Form Functionality with Innovative “Embedded” Stripe Checkout Integration

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Build better payment forms using new “embedded” Stripe Checkout

Build better payment forms using new “embedded” Stripe Checkout

Stripe, a popular online payment processing platform, has recently introduced a new feature called “embedded” Stripe Checkout. This feature allows developers to embed the payment form directly on their website, creating a seamless and secure payment experience for customers.

With traditional payment forms, customers are often redirected to a separate payment page hosted by the payment processor. This can be clunky and disrupt the user experience. With embedded Stripe Checkout, the payment form appears directly on the website, allowing customers to complete their transaction without ever leaving the site.

Here are some benefits of using embedded Stripe Checkout:

  • Improved user experience: Customers can complete their payment quickly and easily without being redirected to a separate payment page.
  • Increased security: By keeping the payment form on your website, you reduce the risk of data breaches and ensure customer information is secure.
  • Customization: You can customize the look and feel of the payment form to match your website’s branding, creating a seamless experience for customers.

To integrate embedded Stripe Checkout on your website, you’ll need to use the Stripe.js library and the Checkout client. Here’s an example of how you can set up an embedded payment form on your website:

<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
<button id="checkout-button">Checkout</button>

var stripe = Stripe('YOUR_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY');
var checkoutButton = document.getElementById('checkout-button');

checkoutButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
    items: [{sku: 'sku_123', quantity: 1}],
    successUrl: 'https://yourwebsite.com/success',
    cancelUrl: 'https://yourwebsite.com/cancel'

By using embedded Stripe Checkout, you can create a better payment experience for your customers and increase conversion rates on your website. Give it a try and see the difference it can make for your online business!

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9 days ago

Can you build a RAG pipeline with langchain or something similar?!

9 days ago

I believe that people will be less afraid to enter credit card information if they are redirected to Stripe

9 days ago

Thanks a lot !
I don't understqnd why we need a return_url when just showing a error or success toast would be enough.
Component is re rendering so local state are lost. Can be problematic when we want to do some mutation after payment that aren't related with the current user.

9 days ago

Waiting for firebase videos😊

9 days ago

wheres the typescript 5 course you said was coming ?

9 days ago

Thanks man, I've been trying to conceptually sort out the redirect_url property when creating the session object server-side for a hot minute.

If anyone else is looking for it, it's at 2:49

9 days ago

“dozens of dollars” 😆

9 days ago

anyways what's the file icon pack Jeff is using ?

9 days ago

Does this work in react native app

9 days ago

Still waiting on that malbolge in 100secs

9 days ago

MF picked up Brazilian bus advertisements memes 😂

9 days ago

Please teach how to integrate UPI payments. That's the most advanced payments in the world right now!

9 days ago

Hilarious presentation 🤣

9 days ago

Razorpay in Indian has been doing this for half a decade already

9 days ago

There are a few parts of this video with a lot of very low end bass in them, unusual for your videos. 03:53 01:10

9 days ago

Stripe has been horrible for 3d secure cards in the EU for over 2 years. Then they put all the support on the service who are in turn clueless. Maybe it’s fixed now but I’m avoiding buying from anyone using Stripe.

9 days ago

Why does this sound robotic

And wtf with all the ads, I'm using a vpn…

9 days ago

It is not true. I was able to use stripe elements wit js to embed form in to my website 3 years ago.

9 days ago

Summary: for every person who thinks being redirected feels sketchy, there is another who feels not being redirected is sketchy.

Who fucking knows what to do.

Bottom line is getting payments, unless you are a £££££ business, @geeshta advice is useful but maybe irrelevant. Upping conversion by 4.8% on three customers is meaningless.

9 days ago

Stripe locked my account and held 5k from me. Valid transactions and no disputes. Im with Square now. Fuck Stripe

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