Enhance Tkinter’s Appearance with CustomTkinter in Just 5 Minutes

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Make Tkinter Look 10x Better in 5 Minutes (CustomTkinter)

Make Tkinter Look 10x Better in 5 Minutes (CustomTkinter)

If you have ever worked with Python’s Tkinter library for creating graphical user interfaces, you may have noticed that the default look and feel of Tkinter widgets is quite basic and unattractive. However, with a few simple tweaks, you can make your Tkinter applications look 10 times better in just 5 minutes using a library called CustomTkinter.

What is CustomTkinter?

CustomTkinter is a Python library that allows you to easily customize the appearance of Tkinter widgets. It provides a set of pre-built themes and styles that you can apply to your Tkinter application to give it a more professional and modern look.

How to use CustomTkinter

Using CustomTkinter is incredibly easy. First, you need to install the library using pip:

pip install customtkinter

Once installed, you can import the library into your Tkinter application and apply a theme or style to your widgets. For example:

import tkinter as tk
  from customtkinter import CustomTkinter

  root = tk.Tk()
  custom = CustomTkinter(root)

  # Apply a pre-built theme

  # Apply a specific style to a widget
  button = tk.Button(root, text='Click me!')
  custom.apply_style(button, 'primary')


Available Themes and Styles

CustomTkinter provides a variety of themes such as light, dark, and material, as well as a range of styles including primary, success, info, and danger. You can easily mix and match these themes and styles to create a unique and visually appealing design for your Tkinter application.


With CustomTkinter, you can quickly and effortlessly improve the visual appearance of your Tkinter applications. In just 5 minutes, you can give your application a modern and polished look that will impress your users. So why settle for the default Tkinter look when you can make it look 10 times better with CustomTkinter?

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6 months ago

Be careful not to name your project "customtkinter". I spent hours to solve why it don´t work, and this was the problem. 🙃

6 months ago

the button clicking part that lighgts up the like and dislike button is insane

6 months ago

I'm never using Tkinter again. From now on I am only using the CTkinter library.

6 months ago

I can not understand you, please slow down a bit so we can understand the words you are saying.

6 months ago

Great animation, quick explanation, short. Great video bro thanks for the help!

6 months ago

Do you have the tutorial for the ecommerce admin ?

6 months ago

Thank you! Great Job! You've made me advance a lot!!!!

6 months ago

I love your Video, thanks for posting

6 months ago

Thanks <3 … i have a question how to copy and past in Entry widget

6 months ago

Hey man, your content is really valuable. Also, your audio quality has improved from old videos to new ones and I appreciate that. Keep up

6 months ago

Thanks for you video, it help me a lot.

6 months ago

Right now I only use Godot to develop my applications. It's really powerful.

6 months ago

hey, do you know a vs code plugin to have a dynamic preview of this ? like web preview for html

6 months ago

Broooo, this video is really rich, thank you so much for this content!! Greetings from Venezuela!

6 months ago

THE BEST VIDEO IVE SEEN of this library, exactly to the point. TY!

6 months ago


6 months ago

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging'
How do i fix this?

6 months ago

can i change the shortcut icon ? btw very good video

6 months ago

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanksssssss a lot

6 months ago

How about resize the button? I want to make the button is square, maybe 5×5