Enhance your Flask API project with OpenAPI documentation and swagger interface

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Adding Swagger to Flask API Project with OpenAPI

Adding Swagger to Flask API Project with OpenAPI

Swagger is a powerful tool for documenting and testing APIs. It provides a user-friendly interface for developers to interact with the API and understand its functionality. The OpenAPI Specification, formerly known as Swagger Specification, is a widely adopted standard for defining APIs.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding Swagger to a Flask API project using OpenAPI.

Step 1: Install Flask-Swagger-UI

The first step is to install the Flask-Swagger-UI package, which provides a simple way to add Swagger to a Flask API project.

pip install flask-swagger-ui

Step 2: Define Swagger Configuration

Next, you need to define the Swagger configuration in your Flask application. This can be done by creating a simple configuration file or adding the configuration directly to your application code.

from flask import Flask
from flask_swagger_ui import get_swaggerui_blueprint

app = Flask(__name__)

swagger_url = '/api/docs'
swagger_info = {
'title': 'Flask API',
'version': '1.0',
'description': 'Documentation for Flask API using Swagger',

swagger_blueprint = get_swaggerui_blueprint(
'app_name': "Flask API"

app.register_blueprint(swagger_blueprint, url_prefix=swagger_url)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Step 3: Generate OpenAPI Specification

Once the Swagger UI is added to your Flask project, you need to generate the OpenAPI Specification for your API. This can be done using tools such as Swagger Editor or Swagger Codegen.

Step 4: Serve OpenAPI Specification

After generating the OpenAPI Specification, you need to serve it using a web server or a CDN. You can simply save the specification as a JSON or YAML file and serve it through your Flask application.

Step 5: Access Swagger UI

Once everything is set up, you can access the Swagger UI by navigating to the /api/docs URL of your Flask application. This will open the Swagger interface where you can explore and test your API endpoints.

Adding Swagger to a Flask API project using OpenAPI is a simple and effective way to improve the documentation and usability of your API. It provides a user-friendly interface for developers and allows them to quickly understand and interact with your API.

By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily add Swagger to your Flask API project and make it more accessible and user-friendly.

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6 months ago

thanks so much, now i understand where is my problem with flask swagger

6 months ago

firefox is love

6 months ago

crisp, hats off

6 months ago

There is already flask-RestX that produces automatic doc.

6 months ago

Exactly what i wanted.

6 months ago

Note: Whenever he says "XML", replace that with "YAML" in your head.

6 months ago

Simple and crisp explanation….Thats what I was looking for…Thanks