Enhancing the User Interface: FastAPI + Next.js – Part 6

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Pet Project: FastAPI + Next.js – Part 6, UI Improvements

Pet Project: FastAPI + Next.js – Part 6, UI Improvements

In Part 6 of our pet project, we will be focusing on improving the user interface of our web application. Creating a visually appealing and user-friendly UI is essential for a successful project, as it can greatly enhance the overall user experience.

UI Improvements

Here are some of the UI improvements we will be making in this part:

  • Adding a navigation bar for easy navigation
  • Styling the content with CSS to make it more visually appealing
  • Adding animations to create a dynamic feel

Adding a Navigation Bar

By adding a navigation bar to our web application, users will have easy access to different sections of the website. This will improve the overall user experience and make it easier for users to navigate through the content.

Styling the Content with CSS

Styling the content with CSS will help make the web application more visually appealing. By using colors, fonts, and other design elements, we can create a cohesive and attractive design that will engage users and make the website more appealing.

Adding Animations

Adding animations to the web application can create a dynamic feel and capture the user’s attention. By incorporating smooth animations for transitions, hover effects, and other interactions, we can make the website more engaging and interactive.


By implementing these UI improvements, we can enhance the overall user experience of our web application and create a more visually appealing and engaging design. Stay tuned for Part 7, where we will continue to enhance our pet project with more features and improvements!