
Environmental Variables Have Been Fixed

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How We Fixed Environment Variables

How We Fixed Environment Variables

At our company, we recently ran into an issue with environment variables that was causing problems with our application. After some investigation, we were able to identify the issue and fix it, and we want to share our solution with others who may be facing similar issues.

The Problem

The issue with our environment variables was that they were not being properly set when our application was deployed. This was causing errors and inconsistencies in our app’s behavior, making it difficult to troubleshoot and debug problems. We knew that we needed to find a solution quickly in order to ensure the stability and reliability of our application.

The Solution

After some research and testing, we discovered that the problem was due to the way we were managing our environment variables. We were relying on manual configuration and deployment processes, which made it easy for mistakes to occur and for variables to be overlooked. To fix this, we implemented a more automated and standardized approach to managing environment variables.

1. Centralized Configuration

We centralized our environment variable configuration using a dedicated tool that allowed us to easily manage and update variables across different environments. This ensured consistency and accuracy in our variable settings.

2. Automated Deployment Process

We also improved our deployment process by automating the setting of environment variables. This reduced the risk of human error and ensured that all variables were properly set when our application was deployed.

3. Monitoring and Alerts

To prevent similar issues in the future, we set up monitoring and alerts to notify us of any issues with environment variables. This allowed us to proactively address any problems before they could impact our application.

The Results

Implementing these changes greatly improved the stability and reliability of our application. We no longer encountered errors related to environment variables, and our deployment process became smoother and more efficient. Overall, we were able to fix our environment variables by implementing a more systematic and automated approach to managing them.


If you’re experiencing issues with environment variables in your application, consider taking a closer look at how they are being managed and deployed. By centralizing configuration, automating deployment processes, and implementing monitoring and alerts, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your environment variables are properly set and maintained. We hope that our experience and solution can help others facing similar challenges.

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7 months ago

BE CAREFUL USING THIS, THEY ARE POSSIBLY STORING YOUR SECRETS ! we use this to manage our env, i have a deployed app on the 2 different cluster in AWS, when we did the deployments of prod and dev the prod will point to dev secrets and vice versa whichever comes first in deployment where of course 1 is correct and the other is pointing to another. Tried doing the uninstall of this package and reinstall on dockerfile before deploying(thinking it caches it on the node_modules which is IMPOSSIBLE but I tried it anyway knowing the 2 workflow is on 2 different cluster– they don't are not related to each other in that case and they don't know their counterpart exists) but it is still the same, the solution? i pointed the env directly to process.env and they worked, and before doing it we deployed the dev on vercel and keep the prod on AWS, so I THINK THEY ARE SAVING YOUR ENV REMOTELY SOMEWHERE by REPOSITORIES

7 months ago

This took just about as long as building an entire app so…

7 months ago

You can't call it a fix when there's no problem to begin with.

7 months ago

"env vars are hard" well u just made them 10 times harder

7 months ago


7 months ago

How’s it work with eas and react native?

7 months ago


7 months ago

something on javascriptian

7 months ago

Why would I use that if I can just add 4 more lines of code instead of importing an external framework to do something easy af? Please guys, just write "You're typing process.env wrong" by Matt.

7 months ago

Over-engineering 💯

7 months ago

Theo, any way to use enums (strings) instead of just string?

7 months ago

Love it. SvelteKit also has something similar.

7 months ago

Wrapper around zod parse(prosess.env) 🤷‍♂️ treeshake issue = next only

7 months ago

I've been using this for years 😂
Does your package support merging of .env, .env.local, .env.<environnement> and .env.<environnement>.local ?

7 months ago

That red swiggly line is one of the best creative thing, give a pat yourself on the back

7 months ago

Env vars are a mess in React. This just makes me really appreciate the SvelteKit way (fully typed, checked at build because they're just direct imports, server/public separation). I like how this library has validation tho.

7 months ago

I frequently use env variables to tree shake in different envs at compile time. For example, any place you have process.env.NODE_ENV compiles to the actual value like "development", which tree shaking will interpret as a literal, which means "if ("development" === "production")" will tree shake out any code in this conditional. The approach in this package requires a runtime check which does not allow for tree shaking. Any thoughts on this tradeoff for this approach?

A common example is for things like integrated devtools that I don't want shipped to production

7 months ago

Oh my god. Please, don't you ever get bothered by the boilerplate? Like micro-optimizing everything makes everything esoteric and that's just terrible.

7 months ago

Guys is this not over engineering

7 months ago

6:04 I too wanna die when I run into issues with .js .mjs .cjs .ts .jsx .tsx .mjsx .cjsx

I don't even know if .mjsx or .cjsx are real extensions but I am sure we'll invent them as we go.