
Episode 24: Utilizing Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB for Efficient Data Handling – Implementing Filtering, Searching, Sorting, and Pagination from API

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Read data from API – filter, search, sort, paginate – Angular, Node.js, MongoDB – speed code – Ep 24

Read data from API – filter, search, sort, paginate – Angular, Node.js, MongoDB – speed code – Ep 24

Welcome to episode 24 of our speed coding series. In this episode, we will be exploring how to read data from an API using Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB. We will cover filtering, searching, sorting, and pagination to help you efficiently manage and display large datasets.

Setting up the backend with Node.js and MongoDB

First, let’s create our Node.js backend server. We will use Express to handle our routes and MongoDB as our database. Make sure you have MongoDB installed and running on your machine.

      const express = require('express');
      const mongoose = require('mongoose');

      const app = express();

      mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/mydb', { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true });

      // Define your database schema and models here

      app.listen(3000, () => {
        console.log('Server running on port 3000');

Creating the frontend with Angular

Next, let’s set up our Angular frontend to interact with our API. We will use HttpClient to make HTTP requests to our backend server and display the data in our application.

      // Use Angular CLI to generate components, services, and modules

      // Import HttpClient in your service
      import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

      // Make HTTP requests to your backend server
      getAllData() {
        return this.http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/data');

Implementing filter, search, sort, and pagination

Now, let’s add functionality to filter, search, sort, and paginate our data. We can use query parameters in our API requests to achieve this.

      // Use query parameters to filter, search, sort, and paginate data
      getDataWithParams(params) {
        let queryParams = {};

        if (params.filter) {
          queryParams.filter = params.filter;

        if (params.search) {
          queryParams.search = params.search;

        if (params.sort) {
          queryParams.sort = params.sort;

        if (params.page) {
          queryParams.page = params.page;

        return this.http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/data', { params: queryParams });


By following these steps, you can efficiently read data from an API, implement filtering, searching, sorting, and pagination, and build a responsive and user-friendly application using Angular, Node.js, and MongoDB. Stay tuned for more speed coding episodes!