Episode 3 of Django Course: Utilizing Dynamic Title Tags, Managing Media Files, and Uploading Images

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Django Course Episode 3: Dynamic Title Tag, Media Files, Upload Image

Welcome to Django Course Episode 3

In this episode, we will cover some important topics related to Django development. Let’s dive in!

Dynamic Title Tag

The title tag is an important element in HTML that defines the title of the document. In Django, you can dynamically set the title tag for each page by using template tags and variables.

Media Files

When you are developing a Django project, you may need to handle media files such as images, videos, and documents. Django provides a built-in way to serve media files during development using the MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT settings in the project’s settings file.

Upload Image

In this episode, we will also learn how to create a form to upload images in Django. We will use Django’s built-in ImageField to handle image uploads and display them on the website.

Stay tuned for more exciting tutorials!