Episode 70: Uncovering the Issues with Hydrogen Water Bottles

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The Problem With Hydrogen Water Bottles – Ep. 70

The Problem With Hydrogen Water Bottles – Ep. 70

Hydrogen water bottles have been gaining popularity in recent years, with many claiming that they offer a range of health benefits. However, there are some concerns that consumers should be aware of when it comes to these trendy products.

Lack of Scientific Evidence

One of the main issues with hydrogen water bottles is the lack of scientific evidence to support their health claims. While some studies have shown potential benefits of hydrogen water, the research is still in its early stages and more clinical trials are needed to confirm these findings.

Potential Dangers

In addition to the lack of solid evidence, there are also concerns about the potential dangers of hydrogen water bottles. For instance, if not properly maintained or cleaned, these bottles could become breeding grounds for harmful bacteria, putting consumers at risk of infection.

Environmental Impact

Another problem with hydrogen water bottles is their environmental impact. Many of these bottles are made from plastic, which contributes to the growing issue of plastic pollution. Additionally, the energy required to produce and transport these bottles can also have a negative impact on the environment.


While hydrogen water bottles may seem like a convenient way to improve your health, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks before making a purchase. Be sure to do your own research and consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating these products into your daily routine.

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2 months ago

You can view my H2 bottle recommendations here:


2 months ago

And BPA can be found in the bottles.

2 months ago

I had vid19. I was having problems with cardio in the gym after vid pneumonia.
I went to the cardiologist, and pulmonary doctors, they couldn't find a problem. They said it was scaring from vid pneumonia.
I bought a hydrogen water bottle, and within 2 weeks i was back to normal. This is my personal experience. Absolutely true.

2 months ago

Well I do not know about Hydrogen, but this guy is one hell of a air stroker! 😂

2 months ago

If you keep running the water through several cycles before drinking the will that higher the hydrogen concentration?

2 months ago

Hello. Thanks for the vidéo. Have you tested the echo+ bottle please ? I bought it on gary brecka's recommandation but tested only 1.1 ppm with H² metter. (Will buy drops later)

Also, how do the levels on your website recommandation work ? Is level 1 the best or 4 ? Thanks.

2 months ago

I ordered a Space Therapy Pro hydrogen bottle. I am unable to find a confirmation on my order. Do you know if this company legit? I have emailed twice with no answer. The phone they list is not correct. I just stumbled on your page and I hope you can tell me any information that you may have. Thank you

2 months ago

So my bottle claims to produce 3000ppm in a 300ml bottle. How many bottles would I need to consume to achieve therapeutic results?. I’m surprised. We didn’t talk about ppm considering all these bottles use that measurement

2 months ago

Zaprosam za informacijo.Kupil sem hydrogen flasko in ker je moje znanje angleškega jezika slabo sem naredil napako.Ko sem hotel prvič napolniti baterije sem po nesreči aktiviral flasko in se je prižgala plava luč v flaski takoj sem z pritiskom na gumb izključil plava lučko ampak takoj za tem sem priklopil flasko za povnjenje in se je spet prižgala plava lučka mislil sem ,da je tako pravilno.Ko pa se flaška po 7urah se ni napolnila in se ni hotela prizgat zelena .Sem navodila se enkrat prebral in ugotovil da pri povnjenju bi morala svetiti rdeča luč in po končanem povnjenju zelena.Videti je da ko je svetila plava luč se je izločal hydrogen ker ko sem flasko odpru je imela močan vonj po hydrogenu.Pozneje sem flasko po navodilih dvakrat hydroziral z vodo temperature 60stopin Celzija pri prvi mi je flaška malo puščala pole ne več.Zanima me ali sem flasko pokvaril in je lahko zdravju skodljivo ali nisem nič pokvaril in lahko brez skrbi pijem vodo ali naj kupim novo flasko.Zelo sem v skrbel in ne upam piti te vode kaj mi priporocate. Kajti bojim se ,da bi zaradi te napake v telo unasal strup .Hvala in zaprosam za informacijo.

2 months ago

Thank you so much for explaining this. I’m looking into this because I’m a chronic pain sufferer actually on my way to my 8th spine surgery so I’m researching this and came across your video and now subscribed

2 months ago

Which bottle has 7.0 ppm?

2 months ago

Ignoring the issue of cost, would a decent molecular hydrogen tablet produce a better dose of hydrogen than an average hydrogen bottle?

2 months ago

My guess is they are using stainless steel plates which would include metal impurities during electrolysis if the plates weren't top quality/pure. Too I would never use tap water…it would need to be salted still water no?

2 months ago

Scam or maybe good tried those 12 ppm hydrogen tablets and noticed positive effects. I ordered 1 hydrogen bottle t see if it is effective as the tablets.

2 months ago

Is this Will Smiths clone?

2 months ago

Sorry if this offends anyone, but this all sounds like a scam.

First, when dealing with electrolysis you will end up doing one of 2 things . Oxidizing the metal used, or electroplating the metals.

Platinum is often used for this as it has very little reactivity. But it still does electroplate. The process of electroplating will leave small ammound of heavy metals dissolved in the water. (You might want to look up how heavy metals affect the body.)

Another issue is that water in its pure form is non-conductive. To make water conductive you need to add salts into the water. (Basically electrolytes, the same kind you find in sports drinks.) This is required for any significant electrolysis to occur. It doesn't matter which technology you're using this is a requirement, especially if you want to create bubbles large enough to see.

Another issue is that hydrogen gass would never be administered via tunes, the reason for this is the hydrogen gass is highly flammable, and medical facilities don't want to have the risk of explosion inside the human body. They oxygen has enough benefit to the human body to outweigh these risks. This is why medical facilities will use oxygen. When you see patients to with breathing tunes like that they are receiving oxygen, not hydrogen. Breathing pure hydrogen is as bad for us as breathing pure helium, it can suffocate us if we're not careful.

There are just too many concerns for products like this. For me to not to think of these as scams similar to the magnetic wrist bands from a while back.

2 months ago

I still have absolutely no clue what water bottle to buy

2 months ago

great info mate helps us divide through marketing BS

2 months ago

Few questions: what mg/l does your everyday water offer? 2) with a pressurized bottle- won’t the benefit be lost as soon as you release the pressure? (Assuming you need to release the pressure to drink the water… not sure how you ingest without releasing pressure?)

Also: isn’t hydrogen incredibly flammable? Pressurized bottles filled with a flammable gas near a battery of any kind seems… well you can see where I’m going here.

Please reply!

2 months ago

You know how dumb I am? I just realized that hydrate and hydrogen are nearly the same fucking word. We hydrate to put more hydrogen in our system.