Error in Component Template xxx: Angular ngtsc(2339) in Visual Code Project

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Angular ngtsc(2339) Error in xxx Component

Angular ngtsc(2339) Error occurs in the template of component xxx Component Visual Code Project

When working on an Angular project in Visual Code, you might come across the ngtsc(2339) error in the template of a component. This error can be frustrating to deal with, but with the right approach, you can quickly resolve it.

Understanding the ngtsc(2339) Error

The ngtsc(2339) error is a type of error that occurs in the Angular template. It is typically related to incorrect types or typos in the template code. When this error occurs, it can prevent your component from rendering correctly and impact the functionality of your application.

Resolving the ngtsc(2339) Error

To resolve the ngtsc(2339) error in Visual Code, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check the Template Syntax: Review the template code of the component where the error is occurring. Look for any typos, missing or incorrect syntax, or mismatched types.
  2. Review Component Properties: Ensure that the properties used in the template are properly defined in the component class. Check for any misspelled property names or incorrect data types.
  3. Use TypeScript Strict Mode: Enable TypeScript strict mode in your Angular project to catch any potential type-related issues at compile time. This can help prevent the ngtsc(2339) error from occurring.
  4. Utilize Angular Language Service: Install and utilize the Angular Language Service extension for Visual Code. This extension provides improved TypeScript and HTML language support for Angular templates, making it easier to catch and fix errors like ngtsc(2339).

Additional Considerations

It’s important to pay close attention to the error messages provided in Visual Code when dealing with the ngtsc(2339) error. These messages can offer valuable insight into the specific issue causing the error, helping you pinpoint and resolve it more effectively.

Additionally, staying up to date with the latest Angular and TypeScript versions, as well as maintaining a clean and organized project structure, can help prevent and mitigate ngtsc(2339) errors in your Visual Code project.


In conclusion, the ngtsc(2339) error in the template of an Angular component can be a common challenge when working in Visual Code. By carefully reviewing and debugging your template code, using the right tools and extensions, and staying proactive with best practices, you can successfully resolve this error and keep your Angular project running smoothly.