Error in Kivy Touchscreen Interface

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Kivy Touchscreen Error

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Kivy Touchscreen Error

If you are encountering touchscreen errors while using Kivy, it can be frustrating and impact the functionality of your application. Touchscreen errors can manifest in different ways, such as unresponsive touch input, incorrect touch responses, or erratic behavior.

There are a few potential causes for touchscreen errors in Kivy:

  • Hardware issues: If the touchscreen hardware is faulty or damaged, it can cause errors in touch input.
  • Driver issues: Outdated or incompatible touchscreen drivers can lead to malfunctioning touch input.
  • Software bugs: Kivy itself may have bugs or issues that result in touchscreen errors.

To troubleshoot and resolve touchscreen errors in Kivy, consider the following steps:

  1. Check the hardware: Ensure that the touchscreen hardware is functioning properly and not physically damaged. Clean the screen and remove any obstructions that may interfere with touch input.
  2. Update drivers: Make sure that the touchscreen drivers are up to date and compatible with your operating system. Consider reinstalling or updating the drivers to address any potential issues.
  3. Update Kivy: Check for updates to the Kivy framework and install the latest version to benefit from bug fixes and improvements that may address touchscreen errors.
  4. Test on different devices: If possible, test the application on different touchscreen devices to determine if the issue is specific to a particular device or configuration.
  5. Seek community support: Reach out to the Kivy community for assistance and advice. Online forums, social media groups, and developer communities can provide valuable insights and support for troubleshooting touchscreen errors.

By following these steps and being diligent in identifying the root causes of touchscreen errors in Kivy, you can improve the performance and reliability of your touchscreen applications. Remember that thorough testing and feedback from users can help to identify and address any lingering touchscreen issues.

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6 months ago

This is not an error, simply kivy has the coordinates exchanged by opengl, you just have to change the calculation.

6 months ago

Fixed it.

If you have a touchscreen that records touches in more than one place at a time, this is the fix that worked for me.:

in ~/.kivy/config.ini

replace whatever is in the [input] section with:


mouse = mouse

wm_touch = wm_touch

wm_pen = wm_pen