Error Message: ModuleNotFoundError – TensorFlow Module Not Found in Python 3.12 (2024)

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[FIXED] ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Tensorflow in Python 3.12 (2024)

[FIXED] ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Tensorflow in Python 3.12 (2024)

If you encounter the error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tensorflow’” in Python 3.12 (2024), don’t worry as there is a simple fix for this issue.


  1. Make sure you have TensorFlow installed on your system. If not, you can install it using the following command:
  2. pip install tensorflow

  3. If TensorFlow is already installed, try reinstalling it to ensure that the module is properly configured:
  4. pip uninstall tensorflow
    pip install tensorflow

  5. After reinstalling TensorFlow, try importing it in your Python script or interactive session to verify that the issue has been resolved:
  6. import tensorflow as tf

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the ModuleNotFoundError associated with TensorFlow in Python 3.12 (2024). If you continue to experience issues, consider checking your Python environment and dependencies to ensure everything is set up correctly.

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2 days ago

I'm having this error, can you help me? Thank you very much,(ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'accelerate)

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