
Error: ReactNativeFlipper.initializeFlipper cannot locate symbol getReactNativeHost.getReactInstanceManager

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Cannot Find Symbol Error in React Native

How to Fix “Cannot Find Symbol” Error in React Native

If you are encountering the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in your React Native project, it means that the compiler is unable to locate a particular symbol, method, or variable being referenced in your code. This error can be caused by a variety of reasons, including incorrect imports, misspelled variable names, or missing dependencies.

Using ReactNativeFlipper.initializeFlipper

One common cause of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in React Native is when using the React Native Flipper library. If you are using the ReactNativeFlipper.initializeFlipper method in your code, make sure that you have imported the Flipper library correctly and that the method is being used in the right context.


Another potential cause of the “Cannot Find Symbol” error is when trying to access the getReactInstanceManager method from an instance of getReactNativeHost. This may occur if the necessary dependencies are not properly installed or if there are issues with the React Native host configuration.

Fixing the Error

To fix the “Cannot Find Symbol” error in React Native, start by carefully reviewing your code and checking for any misspelled variable names, incorrect imports, or missing dependencies. Ensure that all required libraries and packages are correctly installed and imported in your project.

It’s also helpful to refer to the official documentation and community forums for the libraries and methods you are trying to use. Often, others may have encountered similar issues and provided solutions or workarounds that can help resolve the error.


The “Cannot Find Symbol” error in React Native can be frustrating, but by carefully reviewing your code and dependencies, and consulting relevant documentation and resources, you can usually identify and resolve the issue. Pay close attention to any specific methods or libraries mentioned in the error message and ensure that they are being used correctly in your code.

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6 months ago

DSMapStudio Version 1.09.1

Native symbol not found (Symbol: glGenerateTextureMipmap)

at Silk.NET.SDL.SdlContext.<GetProcAddress>g__Throw|13_0(String)

at Silk.NET.SDL.SdlContext.GetProcAddress(String, Nullable`1 )

at Silk.NET.OpenGL.GL._B.get__JNW()

at Silk.NET.OpenGL.GL.GenerateTextureMipmap(UInt32 )

at StudioCore.Graphics.OpenGLImGuiRenderer.RecreateFontDeviceTexture() in ./StudioCore/Graphics/OpenGLImGuiRenderer.cs:line 164

at StudioCore.MapStudioNew.SetupFonts() in ./StudioCore/MapStudioNew.cs:line 222

at StudioCore.MapStudioNew..ctor(IGraphicsContext context, String version) in ./StudioCore/MapStudioNew.cs:line 101

at DSMapStudio_LowRequirements.Program.Main(String[]) in ./DSMapStudio_LowRequirements/Program.cs:line 31

help me, I'm trying to start a map editing program for a game called dark souls, when I click to open this error appears, what do I do?