
Error: Unable to locate RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig in UIManager due to Invariant Violation

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Error: Invariant Violation

Error: Invariant Violation

If you’re a React Native developer, you may have encountered the following error message: “Invariant Violation requireNativeComponent RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig was not found in the UIManager”. This error can be frustrating and confusing, but with a little understanding of what it means and how to fix it, you can get back on track with your development.

When you see this error, it means that the component you are trying to use in your React Native app is not being found by the native code. In this case, it seems that the component RNSScreenStackHeaderConfig is missing from the UIManager. This can happen for several reasons, such as a typo in the component name, a missing package installation, or an issue with the linking of the native code.

To fix this error, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check for typos: Make sure that the component name is spelled correctly in your code. It should match the actual name of the component in your project.
  2. Check package installation: If the component is part of a third-party package, make sure that the package is installed correctly. You can do this by running npm install or yarn add to install the package and its dependencies.
  3. Check native code linking: If the component requires native code, make sure that the native code has been linked properly. Depending on the specific component and platform (iOS or Android), you may need to run additional commands to link the native code.

Once you have gone through these steps and corrected any issues, you should be able to resolve the “Invariant Violation” error and have the component working as expected in your React Native app.

Remember to always double-check your code and dependencies when encountering errors like this, as it can often be something simple that is causing the issue. With a little patience and debugging, you can overcome these challenges and continue building your app with React Native.

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6 months ago

Thanks man, it works, actually I found solution first in stack overflow but your video is pretty new compared to stackoverflow thread. So this is helpful, thanks again.

Solution have in documentation of reactnavigation doc

After install @react-navigation/native you have to install two dependency:

npm install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context

it's mention library.

6 months ago

It works thanks bro