Essential Angular Concepts Every Developer Should Master

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Angular is a powerful front-end framework that is widely used by developers to build dynamic web applications. In order to be proficient in Angular, it is important to have a good understanding of the key concepts and features of the framework. In this tutorial, we will cover 20 Angular concepts that you need to know in order to become a proficient Angular developer.

1. Components: Components are the building blocks of an Angular application. They are used to encapsulate the application logic and UI elements. Each component consists of a template, class, and metadata.

2. Modules: Angular applications are modular in nature. Modules are used to organize the application into cohesive units. Each module may contain components, directives, pipes, and services.

3. Directives: Directives are used to extend the HTML syntax and add custom behavior to DOM elements. There are two types of directives in Angular: structural directives and attribute directives.

4. Services: Services are used to encapsulate reusable business logic and data manipulation. They are injectable, which means they can be used by other components, directives, or services.

5. Dependency Injection: Dependency injection is a design pattern that Angular uses to provide objects with their dependencies. It allows for loose coupling between components and services.

6. Routing: Routing is used to navigate between different components in an Angular application. The Angular Router provides a way to define routes and navigate to different views.

7. Forms: Angular provides a reactive forms module that allows you to build complex forms with validation and form controls. Reactive forms are highly customizable and offer a more flexible approach to form handling.

8. Pipes: Pipes are used to transform data in Angular templates. They are simple functions that accept an input value and return a transformed output value. Angular provides built-in pipes for common transformations, such as date formatting and currency conversion.

9. Observables: Observables are used to handle asynchronous operations in Angular. They provide a powerful way to deal with events and data streams. RxJS is a library that provides a rich set of operators for working with observables.

10. HttpClient: The HttpClient module in Angular is used to make HTTP requests to a server. It provides a high-level API for sending and receiving data over HTTP.

11. Interceptors: Interceptors are used to intercept HTTP requests and responses in Angular. They can be used to add headers, handle errors, or modify the request/response before it is sent/received.

12. Lifecycle Hooks: Angular provides a set of lifecycle hooks that allow you to tap into different stages of a component’s lifecycle. These hooks include ngOnChanges, ngOnInit, ngDoCheck, ngOnDestroy, and more.

13. Angular CLI: The Angular CLI is a command-line tool that provides a set of commands for creating, building, and deploying Angular applications. It simplifies the development workflow and helps you get started with Angular quickly.

14. Dependency Injection Tokens: Dependency injection tokens are used to provide a specific instance of a service to a component or module. They are a powerful feature of Angular that allows for fine-grained control over dependencies.

15. NgModules: NgModules are used to define the structure of an Angular application. They consolidate all the components, directives, pipes, and services that are related to a feature or functionality.

16. Template Refs: Template refs are used to reference elements in a template and interact with them programmatically. They provide a way to access DOM elements or components within a template.

17. Change Detection: Angular uses change detection to detect and apply changes to the DOM. By default, Angular uses zone.js to trigger change detection when an asynchronous task completes.

18. NgZone: The NgZone service is used to run code outside of Angular’s change detection zone. It can be used to improve performance and responsiveness in certain scenarios.

19. TestBed: The TestBed class is used for testing Angular components, services, and directives. It provides utilities for creating test environments and running tests in a controlled manner.

20. Angular Material: Angular Material is a UI component library for Angular applications. It provides a set of ready-to-use components that follow the Material Design guidelines, such as buttons, cards, menus, and dialogs.

In conclusion, these 20 Angular concepts are essential for building robust and reliable Angular applications. By mastering these concepts, you will be able to create complex and interactive web applications with ease. Happy coding!

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2 days ago

3. Modules? I think that is a concept you don't need to know any longer

2 days ago

I would use update method from signals instead of reading and setting a new value

2 days ago

Seen this like 3 times already. Simply not understanding how control flow happens in the component and is so confusing. I think it would be a piece of cake for the devs that already know Angular

2 days ago


2 days ago

you can also use [class.done]="task.done"

2 days ago

Frankly, I wouldn't use the constructor for the injection or the initializing of the form group. You can use the inject() method and then declare the form after that.

2 days ago

You use signals but not input and output signals / functions? And no inject function? Why?

2 days ago

Good video, but honestly I really don't like this syntax.

2 days ago

With new syntax and signals I think you should use input<T> and output<T> instead of @input and @output. This make code more coherent and easier to read. Other than that this was good explaination of base concepts.

2 days ago

At this point bro should just create full tutorials, these 3 minute videos are not it. But maybe this is the way for him

2 days ago

New angular is cool! but we should not forget that most of the angular code today are <v15

2 days ago

I like that a lot of frameworks are slowly becoming Vue.
It is lagging behind Vue's dev-experience since it does not support HMR and rebuilds are 10-100x slower, but I'm glad they have HMR in their roadmap now – hopefully it will be a smoother experience/feedback loop in a year or two.

2 days ago

Yes Angular is simplify now it has made my dev experience easy,Angular is now for everyone if you want to keep things organise as you grow and i also like Rxjs if i want to get data from backend everything work so soomthly,easy to debug things,well done to angular team.

2 days ago

its the best

2 days ago

Best 3 min angular tutorial ever!!

2 days ago

You can use model instead of input/output for this cases

2 days ago

Don't initialize the formGroup in the constructor. Doing so you will loose type inference. Initialize the form during declaration and you will get full type safety.

2 days ago

1:33 angular advanced developer here: no need to wait for onInit since the fetch do not depend on any @Input(), do it in the constructor, or better yet in a router resolver

2 days ago

Wow this is a really good overview, I remember way back when you didnt have such a positive view of Angular, thank you for taking time to take a closer looking and giving it a chance.

2 days ago

Awesome 🎉

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