Essential JavaScript for React: What You Need to Know (And More)

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All The JavaScript You Need To Know For React (More JS To Know)

All The JavaScript You Need To Know For React (More JS To Know)

React is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It allows developers to create reusable components and manage the state of their applications. However, in order to be successful with React, it’s important to have a solid understanding of JavaScript. In this article, we’ll cover all the JavaScript you need to know for React, as well as some additional JavaScript concepts that can help you become a better React developer.

Basics of JavaScript

Before diving into React, it’s important to have a solid understanding of the basics of JavaScript. This includes knowing how to work with variables, data types, operators, and control structures. Additionally, understanding functions, arrays, and objects is crucial for working with React components and state management.

ES6 Features

ES6 (ECMAScript 6) introduced a number of new features to JavaScript that can make your code more concise and easier to maintain. Some of the key features to learn include arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, spread and rest operators, and classes. These features can make writing React components and managing state much more efficient.

Asynchronous JavaScript

Many React applications involve making asynchronous requests to fetch data from APIs or perform other operations that take time to complete. Understanding concepts such as promises and async/await can help you write more efficient and reliable asynchronous code in your React applications.

Functional Programming Concepts

React encourages the use of functional programming concepts, such as immutability and pure functions. Understanding these concepts can help you write better React components and manage your application’s state more effectively.

Additional JavaScript Concepts

As a React developer, it can also be beneficial to have a strong understanding of other JavaScript concepts, such as scope and closures, hoisting, prototypal inheritance, and the event loop. While these concepts may not be directly related to React, they can help you write more efficient and reliable JavaScript code.

By having a strong understanding of JavaScript and these additional concepts, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of building and maintaining React applications. Whether you’re just getting started with React or looking to level up your skills, mastering these JavaScript concepts can help you become a more confident and capable React developer.

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6 months ago

Sorry everyone about the last part of the video, my facebis covering the code. The code that was supposed to be there is the following:

const data = await fetch(’${animalName}’)

6 months ago

I Love You PedroTech. God bless you.

6 months ago

My friend, your advice is just a diamond. I was thinking so, but I was hesitate to jump to learn React with a little knowledge in Javascript; but as I watched this tutorial from an expert like you, I think that I can start now to learn React with my littlie knowledge in Javascript. Thanks a lot. You are a great guy !

6 months ago

part 2?

6 months ago

Very good video but make sure you are not sheilding your code with your screen 👍

6 months ago

What about the difference between exporting a function or exporting a class?

6 months ago

I have just finished my JavaScript course and just found this channel. I'm locked in!

6 months ago

Excellent video! though your image blocked the template Literal code example

6 months ago

@SunRayBee ??

6 months ago

You've helped me to fill some knowledge gaps!
I think I found your videos at the right time.
Thanks a lot and congrats, Pedro!

6 months ago

What is that VSCode theme?

6 months ago

Best techer ever !

6 months ago

Does Pedro realise that the whole part on Template Literals is covered by camera feed? 😂😂 please provide the code. Great video! Love it

6 months ago

i thought i need to master javascript to switch to react i am glad that i found your channel thank you

6 months ago

Pls share your vs code theme name

6 months ago

So from about timestamp 14.00 you are trying to show a template literal but you are literally blocking that piece of code with your face and cant see anything.

6 months ago

Bro please change position of ur cam<_>

6 months ago

whatever you are explaining please make sure that is not hidden behind your other screen

6 months ago

Its so true learning is not a quick process , you have to revisit topics that you have forgotten , thanks for the vidoe , keep going Pedro❤❤❤❤❤❤

6 months ago

But you already told about ternary operators in the last video 😀