“Essential Next.js Client Tricks Every Developer Should Master” #nextjs #shortcuts

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Next.js is a powerful framework for building React applications. One of the key features of Next.js is its ability to easily handle server-side rendering, which can greatly improve the performance and SEO of your application. In this tutorial, we will focus on how to use Next.js client-side rendering to compliment server-side rendering.

Client-side rendering in Next.js allows you to fetch data from an API or perform other client-side operations after the initial server-side rendering has been done. This can be useful for scenarios where you need to fetch dynamic data that is not available at build time or to update the UI based on user interactions.

To get started with client-side rendering in Next.js, you first need to create a new page component in your pages directory. Let’s create a new file called ClientCompliment.js in the pages directory:

// ClientCompliment.js

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

const ClientCompliment = () => {
  const [compliment, setCompliment] = useState('');

  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchCompliment = async () => {
      const response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/compliment');
      const data = await response.json();

  }, []);

  return (

export default ClientCompliment;

In this example, we have created a simple component that fetches a random compliment from an API when the component mounts using the useEffect hook. The fetched compliment is stored in the component’s state using the useState hook and rendered in the UI.

Next, we need to update our pages/index.js file to include a link to the ClientCompliment page:

// pages/index.js

import Link from 'next/link';

const Home = () => {
  return (
      <h1>Welcome to My Next.js App!</h1>
      <Link href="/ClientCompliment">
        <a>Get a Compliment</a>

export default Home;

Now, when you navigate to the home page of your Next.js app, you should see a link that says "Get a Compliment". When you click on this link, you will be taken to the ClientCompliment page, where a random compliment will be fetched and displayed.

Client-side rendering in Next.js can be a powerful tool for enhancing the user experience of your application. By following this tutorial, you should now have a better understanding of how to use client-side rendering in Next.js to compliment server-side rendering. Happy coding!