
Essential Vue.js Template Syntax and Directory Structure: #02

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Vue.js Essentials #02: Template Syntax + Directory Structure

Vue.js Essentials #02: Template Syntax + Directory Structure

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. In this article, we will explore the template syntax and directory structure in Vue.js.

Template Syntax

In Vue.js, you can use the mustache syntax {{ }} to render data in your templates. For example, if you have a variable called message in your Vue instance, you can render it in your template like this:

        {{ message }}

You can also use directives to conditionally render elements, loop through arrays, and handle events. Vue.js provides a rich set of directives such as v-if, v-for, and v-on to achieve this.

Directory Structure

When you scaffold a new project using Vue CLI, it creates a standard directory structure for your Vue.js project. The main directories and files in a Vue.js project are:

  • src/: Contains your source code, including Vue components, assets, and other files.
  • components/: Stores your Vue components. Each component is typically a single file with a .vue extension.
  • App.vue: The main Vue component that serves as the entry point for your application.
  • main.js: The main JavaScript file where you create and mount your Vue instance.


Understanding the template syntax and directory structure in Vue.js is essential for building efficient and maintainable applications. By mastering these concepts, you can leverage the full power of Vue.js to create stunning user interfaces and robust applications.