Evan You: Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Vue.js 🚫

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Evan You: What you’re doing wrong with Vue.js 🙅‍♂️

Evan You: What you’re doing wrong with Vue.js 🙅‍♂️

If you’re working with Vue.js, chances are you’ve come across Evan You, the creator of Vue.js. But despite his efforts to make Vue.js a user-friendly and efficient JavaScript framework, there are still some common mistakes that developers make when using it. Here are a few things you might be doing wrong with Vue.js:

  1. Not using Vuex for state management: Vuex is the official state management library for Vue.js, and it’s essential for managing your application’s state in a predictable and scalable way. If you’re not using Vuex, you could be missing out on important features like centralized state management, mutation tracking, and efficient update handling.
  2. Overusing watchers: While watchers can be a powerful tool for reacting to changes in data, they can also lead to complex and difficult-to-maintain code if overused. Instead of relying on watchers for every data change, consider using computed properties or methods to achieve the same result in a more efficient way.
  3. Ignoring performance optimization: Vue.js is known for its fast rendering and efficient update handling, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore performance optimization. Make sure to use features like virtual scrolling, lazy loading, and component caching to improve the performance of your Vue.js applications.

By avoiding these common mistakes and following best practices for Vue.js development, you can make the most of this powerful JavaScript framework and create efficient and maintainable applications. Remember, Evan You created Vue.js with the goal of making front-end development simpler and more enjoyable, so let’s honor his vision by using Vue.js to its full potential!

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29 days ago

Ready to master Vue.js? Level up here 👉 https://www.vuemastery.com

29 days ago

Promo sm 😌

29 days ago

I found the subtitles are kind of annoying. They were changed too frequently and hard to be read as sentences. 😢

Keep going!❤❤❤

29 days ago

what a burn on chat-gpt 😆

29 days ago

Стоит среди берёзок 👍

29 days ago

Wait until we all migrate our large projects from Vue2 to 3 and from Vuex to Pinia, and then make new Vue version and central storage library that needs migration… so we can spend next years migrating from one version to other.

29 days ago

@VueMastery is still alive?

29 days ago

somehow i managed to not hit blocking issues, only used console.log to see http request errors or other values

29 days ago
