
Evan You Presents: VueConf US 2023 – The State of the Vuenion

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Evan You’s State of the Vuenion 📣 VueConf US 2023

VueConf US 2023 kicked off with the much-anticipated keynote speech from Evan You, the creator of Vue.js. The conference venue filled with excitement and energy as attendees eagerly awaited the state of the Vuenion address.

Growth and Success

Evan You began his speech by reflecting on the remarkable growth and success Vue.js has experienced over the past year. From its humble beginnings in 2014, Vue.js has become one of the most widely used JavaScript frameworks. Today, more than 8 million developers around the world are using Vue.js to build scalable and performant web applications.

Vue.js has established itself as a powerful tool for building user interfaces with its simplicity, versatility, and excellent performance. Its gentle learning curve makes it easy for new developers to get started, while its robust ecosystem provides advanced capabilities for experienced users.

The Future of Vue.js

Evan You then shifted his focus towards the future of Vue.js and the exciting developments in store for the framework. He highlighted some key features and improvements that developers can look forward to:

  • Vite 3.0 Integration: The next major version of the lightning-fast build tool, Vite, will be seamlessly integrated with Vue.js. This integration will provide even faster development and build times, making Vue.js applications more efficient than ever before.
  • Composition API Enhancements: The Composition API, introduced in Vue 3, will receive enhancements to further improve code organization and reusability. Evan You emphasized the importance of maintaining a balance between simplicity and power when introducing new features.
  • Accessibility Improvements: Vue.js aims to make building accessible applications easier. The framework will introduce new accessibility guidelines and tools to help developers create inclusive web experiences.
  • Performance Boosts: Vue.js will continue to focus on performance improvements, making it an ideal choice for building high-performance web applications. Enhancements in rendering and optimization techniques will ensure even faster and smoother user experiences.

Community Engagement and Support

Evan You emphasized the importance of the Vue.js community and their engagement in shaping the framework’s future. He announced several initiatives aimed at fostering collaboration and support within the Vue.js ecosystem:

  • Vue Contributor Days: A series of hands-on workshops and hackathons will be organized worldwide to encourage new contributors to get involved with Vue.js. These events will provide an opportunity for developers to collaborate and learn from each other.
  • Improved Documentation: Vue.js documentation will receive significant updates, ensuring that developers have access to comprehensive and up-to-date resources. The goal is to make learning Vue.js easy and enjoyable for developers of all experience levels.
  • Community Showcase: A new community showcase platform will be launched to highlight projects built with Vue.js. This platform will provide inspiration and recognition for developers, encouraging them to share their innovative work.


Evan You concluded his State of the Vuenion address by expressing his immense gratitude to the Vue.js community for their continuous support and contributions. He encouraged everyone to explore the exciting new features, engage with the community, and join hands in shaping the future of Vue.js.

VueConf US 2023 Group Photo

As the attendees left the keynote speech, they were filled with enthusiasm and anticipation for the rest of VueConf US 2023. The future of Vue.js looks bright, and developers can’t wait to dive into the latest updates and advancements in the framework.

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Tchilumba Mera
8 months ago

Been using Vue since 2.1, not really sure, in the early days. And never looked back. With Vue 3.x, the options API is now a thing of the past. Big up to the Vue team. 🎉🎉

Sebastian Weiß
8 months ago

Where can I find the documentation for 9:25 Reactive Props Destructure?

Arnon Rodrigues
8 months ago

11:00 Guys, I think this would be a good approach:
const props = defineProps<{ foo: number = 1 }>

8 months ago

that generic script setup is great, I'm having a hard time upgrading with 3.3.x tho, I'm having some compilation error that doesn't make sense :s.

Кирилл Игоревич
8 months ago

It's all about composition api. Not interesting

8 months ago


Toby Chidi
8 months ago

In the Vue team I trust. 😊. These guys are good.

8 months ago

What is Vue's equiiof react server components (RSC)?

Dave Snijder
8 months ago

Still scratching my head over why JSX is still a thing. Are there any use cases where using it over the regular SFC-template approach has any benefits? I remember specifically and clearly choosing Vue over React because the thought of template logic inside javascript felt hacked together and utterly wrong. Been stuck with Vue-templates (infused with pug notation) ever since.

Javier Ntaca
8 months ago

Vapor Mode will "vaporize" all those Svelte and Solid conceited guys.

Denis Favreau
8 months ago

.value is easy but it's just not honest

gogaa _
8 months ago

i love all of this

8 months ago

Благодарю 👍

Ananthakrishnan Baji
8 months ago

It has been three years since Vue 3 was released. Why is the Suspense feature still considered experimental?

Awais Al Waissy
8 months ago

I was waiting for this video.

8 months ago

That defineModel macro is such a good upgrade. Much love to the team

Clinton Moshe
8 months ago

I am a react guy but i am thinking of giving vue a try.

Gio Kuan
8 months ago

I'm the second one🤩

zeyan liu
8 months ago

amazing, I am using all vue, nuxt and vitepress…haha sounds like a bunch of new features are coming. Indeed, the nuxt virtual dom and actual dom mismatch thing is a bit annoying tho XD

Prakash Dhimmer
8 months ago

Love vue. easy easy easy, fun fun fun,