
Evan You, the Creator of Vite & Vue

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Vite & Vue: A Revolutionary Combination with Evan You

In the world of web development, it is essential to constantly evolve and explore new technologies to stay ahead of the game. One such revolutionary combination that has taken the industry by storm is Vite and Vue. And at the forefront of this dynamic duo is the brilliant mind of Evan You, the creator of both Vue.js and the recently released Vite.

For those unfamiliar with the terms, Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework known for its simplicity, ease of use, and incredible versatility. It has gained immense popularity among developers due to its intuitive syntax and the ability to build sophisticated single-page applications with ease. Vue’s success can be attributed to Evan You’s vision of creating a framework that combines the best qualities of other frameworks while maintaining a lightweight and approachable nature.

Evan You continued his mission by addressing the performance bottlenecks faced by developers during the development process. Enter Vite, a fast-paced development server and build tool designed to enhance the development experience by significantly reducing the build time. Unlike traditional bundlers, which require time-consuming and resource-intensive recompilation, Vite leverages native browser ES modules to serve code instantly. This has a transformative effect on development speed, making Vite the go-to choice for rapid prototyping and building modern web applications.

The synergy between Vite and Vue is profound. While Vue.js ensures clean and maintainable application code, Vite optimizes the development experience, seamlessly integrating with Vue’s architecture to deliver exceptional performance. This combination has revolutionized the development workflow, allowing developers to focus more on their code and less on build configurations and optimization.

One of the notable features of Vite is its ability to achieve near-instantaneous cold-start dev server hot-reloads, thanks to its lean dependency tree shaking process. This means that even in large codebases, developers can experience a smooth and responsive development environment, significantly enhancing their productivity.

Furthermore, Vite takes advantage of Vue’s Single File Components (SFC), allowing developers to write their components, styles, and templates in one file. This approach eliminates the need for additional tooling or complex configurations, providing a seamless development experience. The combination of Vue SFCs and Vite’s instant bundling capabilities gives developers the flexibility to experiment and iterate rapidly without sacrificing performance.

In addition to its incredible speed, Vite also enables developers to leverage Vue’s vibrant ecosystem. With Vite’s built-in plugins and seamless integration with Vue CLI, developers can utilize a wide range of integrations, tools, and libraries to enhance their development process further. This tight integration ensures compatibility and empowers developers with the freedom to choose the best tools available.

Evan You’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of web development is a remarkable feat. His visionary leadership and commitment to creating innovative solutions have positioned Vite and Vue as indispensable tools in the modern developer’s arsenal. By combining Vue.js and Vite, developers can harness their collective power, simplifying the development process and unlocking new possibilities in web application development.

In conclusion, the combination of Vite and Vue is an extraordinary advancement in the web development landscape. Evan You’s unparalleled expertise and vision have transformed the way developers build applications, making Vite & Vue a dynamic duo that brings speed, simplicity, and enhanced performance to the forefront. As the web development industry continues to evolve, we can expect Vite and Vue to remain at the forefront, driving innovation and shaping the future of application development.

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Theo - t3․gg
8 months ago

WE WILL BOTH BE AT RENDERATL COME HANG https://renderatl.com/theo

How it Works
8 months ago

This ex Google engineer built Vue and Vite.
Another one sell algorithms courses by stealing AlgoExpert students, & then get sued.

Gulshanur Rahman
8 months ago

React chose making server default, client opt-in. Vue chose to make client default, server opt-in. The advantage of the Vue approach is, you can focus on making everything work at first. Once, everything is working, making some components server-only is an additional optimization step. On the other hand, the React/Next way of making the server default means, you have to keep in mind which code is running where, client or server, from the very beginning.

Raj Siva-Rajah
8 months ago

Great interview. I love that SPAs are still a key focus for Vue. Vue's SPA tooling just keeps getting better (antfu's auto-import plugin is a good example). Vapor will take client-side performance to the next level too. I build client-side Vue apps / PWAs with a Laravel backend. The apps aren't public facing so SSR would be pointless. There's more you can do server-side with a proper backend framework like Laravel, Rails or Node compared to Next/Nuxt. The right choice depends entirely on what you're building. There's no one-size-fits all.

Jonny Oliveira
8 months ago

Arguably one of the greatest contributors to making Vue popular in the first place and also one of the more proeminent resoucers for learning it is Laracasts and the Laravel community, where Vue was almost the main fron-end solution for a long time. I suspect that the majority of Vue users have something else for their backend already.

Albert Cloete
8 months ago

I have this problem as well. I want to build a fully client side app, and I'm using Next. But Next makes it a bit confusing.

8 months ago

It is insane. The web literally has not become much better since the 2000s and then you have people like Theo trying to turn web development into rocket science where you are dealing with more abstractions, more code running God knows where, more packages that depend on even more packages just to get yet another generic looking site working. The most useful sites like Wikipedia have existed before almost any of this crap, and sites like YouTube and Facebook have literally become slower. Web developers are dealing with more self imposed complexity where they are spending more time dealing with anything but actually coding and getting sh*t done.

Apichat Banyatsupasil
8 months ago

Kinda like debate on religion. It should not happen at the first place. But if it did happen, it doesn't look good to see host debating with his guest. U can just say that's interesting and move on to other topics. Especially the vue and vite benefits, roadmap, etc 😢

Honestly I want to hear from Evan more on Vue

Rich Coleman
8 months ago

Vue just keeps better and better. We use it for 100% of our client-side dev.

Pierre Bourgeois
8 months ago

This was more a Nextjs vs Vue debate than an interview about Vue and Vite. Much respect to Evan's openess.

8 months ago

Vite is generally deep

Marcelo Almeida
8 months ago

25:01 A great way to push back, still being very polite and showing a lot of respect for the other person. Congrats.

Augusto Eduardo
8 months ago

Do a interview with the milionare Techlead

Iqbal Tawakkal
8 months ago

he really is messi of webdev

8 months ago

So… y French?

Binge Binge
8 months ago

It IS insane. Basically the Linus in the web world.

J Martinez
8 months ago

Very great interview. At first the interviewer disagreeing was weird because he started off giving Evan his flowers 💐 but I think it really made the interview better and different than other interviews Evan has had. I really enjoyed both of their inputs and I think what Evan said about for adoption to keep vuejs for client side stuff and recommend nuxt for anything further. I didn’t know serverside frontend stuff until last year. It’s been out for awhile but it finally kinda went hard last year. I agree with both but I wouldn’t had been able to use any framework/library if I started with serverside rendering. I had to use remix to really finally get it!

Billy Wang
8 months ago

Theo steamrolls too much in this. Doesn't listen to Evan enough

Sam Keller
8 months ago

@t3dotgg you both have valid points. I know you talk about the hype, or how exciting it is to see these major shifts, and I agree. Someone who is on the cutting edge development of this stuff, and knows it very well, should be excited. I just wonder if beginners shouldn't start with SSR paradigm. But you might be right, maybe they should start with the SSR paradigm first. Who really knows. Time will tell I guess

Sam Keller
8 months ago

I agree with Evan about the silver bullet argument. The mental overhead is a lot. Having React and Next joined at the hip (and removing CRA) makes a higher barrier to entry into react, when there is no clear argument that SSR is the best solution. My current employer forced us into Nextjs with no real reason other than it was the "hotness". I obliged and statically render 99 percent of the app. The only reason I didn't do 100% is because I wanted to use the feature because it is available. It actually doesn't add any benefit, rather renders a blank screen while it is SSRing instead of quickly serving the static content, and showing a loader for the part that is still fetching. I agree that Vue not going the way of "full melting pot" is not a bad stance