Evan You to Deliver Keynote Address on the Current State of Vite at ViteConf 2023

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Evan You | Keynote: The State of Vite | ViteConf 2023

Evan You | Keynote: The State of Vite | ViteConf 2023

Evan You, the creator of Vue.js, delivered a keynote speech at ViteConf 2023, discussing the state of the Vite framework and its future prospects.

Vite is a build tool for modern web development that focuses on speed and simplicity. It has gained popularity among developers for its fast build times and efficient hot module replacement.

In his keynote, Evan You shared insights into the current state of Vite, highlighting recent improvements and features that have been added to the framework. He also discussed the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for Vite, and how the community can contribute to its growth and success.

One of the key points that Evan emphasized in his speech was the importance of performance in web development. He highlighted Vite’s ability to deliver an ultra-fast development experience, allowing developers to focus on writing code without being burdened by slow build times.

Furthermore, Evan You touched on the future roadmap for Vite, discussing upcoming features and enhancements that will further improve the developer experience. He also encouraged the audience to provide feedback and suggestions for the improvement of Vite, emphasizing the importance of community collaboration in open-source projects.

Overall, Evan You’s keynote speech at ViteConf 2023 provided valuable insights into the current state of Vite and its future direction. It showcased the commitment of the Vite team to deliver an exceptional developer experience and the importance of community involvement in shaping the framework’s evolution.

As Vite continues to gain traction in the web development community, it is clear that Evan You and his team are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in modern web development, and ViteConf 2023 served as a platform to highlight the progress and future prospects of Vite.

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6 months ago

6 months ago

Why not just help improve esbuild? I don't get it…

6 months ago

12:08 what did he say? Fox ESM?

6 months ago

"full-bundle" mode should be to top priority and not stage 4. Unbundled modules are indeed performance killer.

6 months ago

Akimoto Kaoru Rolldown remix confirmed

6 months ago

Amazing 🔥🔥

6 months ago

It's starting to feel like everything will be written in rust sooner or later.

6 months ago

Great talk!