Evangelical Leaders Publicly Turn Against Trump at Last

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In a surprising turn of events, evangelical leaders have started to publicly denounce President Donald Trump. In the past, many of these leaders have been vocal supporters of the president, often praising his conservative policies and his commitment to issues important to the evangelical community. However, recent actions by the president have caused a rift within the evangelical community, leading some prominent leaders to speak out against Trump.

One of the most notable evangelical leaders to publicly criticize Trump is Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention. In a recent op-ed for the Washington Post, Moore wrote that Trump’s behavior and rhetoric have caused damage to the gospel and the reputation of the church. He also condemned the recent violence at the Capitol, stating that it was a direct result of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.

Additionally, several other evangelical leaders have also spoken out, expressing their disapproval of Trump’s behavior and the events that led to the invasion of the Capitol. Many have argued that Trump’s lack of respect for democratic processes and his encouragement of mob violence goes against the principles of Christianity.

This shift in attitude towards Trump is a significant development within the evangelical community. For years, evangelical leaders have stood by the president, often justifying or overlooking his controversial behavior in order to support his conservative policies. However, the events of the past few weeks have been a breaking point for many, leading them to publicly distance themselves from the president.

This change in attitude has the potential to have a significant impact on the evangelical vote in future elections. Evangelical voters have been a key demographic for the Republican Party, and their support played a crucial role in Trump’s election in 2016. If evangelical leaders continue to turn against Trump, it could influence how their followers vote in future elections.

The public condemnation of Trump by evangelical leaders also highlights the growing division within the Republican Party. Trump still has a significant base of supporters within the party, but his recent actions have alienated many traditional conservatives, including those within the evangelical community. This division could have long-term implications for the future of the Republican Party and its ability to rally support from diverse groups of voters.

Overall, the public denouncement of Trump by evangelical leaders is a significant development that could have far-reaching consequences. It reflects a growing dissatisfaction with the president’s behavior and a willingness to prioritize principle over partisan loyalty. As the Republican Party continues to grapple with its future direction, the stance of evangelical leaders will be closely watched by political observers and voters alike.

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6 months ago

I never supposed Trump, even lost few friends over this. I could not believe how naive they were thinking that he cares about America or it's citizens. All of them now praying that he doesn't get re-elected next year. 🤔

6 months ago

Donald is not a man of a character, If you don't support him, you are his enemy ! How can this man support democratic system , He is too autocratic , no wonder Putin was him elected ! I'm a Republican, and zi regret voting for him in The past.

6 months ago

How the evangelicals ever thought to endorse him is beyond me. The lies, three exwives, 3 sluts he had to pay off, and now he has 4 indictments, 31 felonies, 91 counts, civil rape case, and none of that mattered until now Christian’s ? Really? Why did you endorse him? Why haven’t you apologized to America yet?

6 months ago

Trump has a list of convicted pedophiles that he has done business with and who knows what else

6 months ago

Koolaid and the GOP

6 months ago

My cousin was a lifelong Republican. When Trump started running against Biden she voted for Biden. Two reasons – it was obvious to her that Trump was amoral, a liar and a grifter; and she happened to go to Catholic school with Biden’s sons – she remembered him as being a decent family man, and a Catholic who did a lot for the school and community. She knew he cared about making life better for people. There’s no comparison when it comes to character, intelligence, experience and kindness/altruism.

6 months ago

Then why is Trump ahead in the polls. It all seems unbelievable. I do not understand what is going on.

6 months ago

Shame on the Evangelical leaders for supporting Trump for so in the first place! It's about time a an Evangelical leader is speaking out against Trump as the terrible person he is! Good luck getting your flock to change their minds and see Trump for con artist he really is!

6 months ago

Shouldn't they all be worshipping Trump ?

6 months ago

Steve Deace nuts!

6 months ago

People outside the U S, (believers or not) are mystified that millions of Americans think that Trump is a good Christian , or even a Christian at all! ! ! ? ? ? ?

6 months ago


6 months ago


6 months ago

About time!

6 months ago

In the 60s we were dopers beetnicks. Wife 70s midnight toker. My 28 year old has two and a half million in the bank. Rental properties. My 30-year-old owns a factory with 50 employees. A farm. an lands. he leases out. Neither one of them do drugs smoke or drink. We all vote for Donald Trump.

6 months ago

I knew Chump had no religion when he held up the Bible, but it was upside down. My mother in-law, an evangelical, gasped!

6 months ago

They were calling him the next Messiah just six years ago! What a joke

6 months ago

Steve sort of touched on the mind set of the people who are willing to go along with Trump's circus of the deranged. They can voice and vent their grievances born of fear. They allow him to lead them by their noses and don't want to question him about his claims. If; in a manner of speaking, it all goes to hell, then, it'll be Tump's fault. Not their's.

6 months ago

Trump is the closet thing to Jesus in the last 2000 years.

6 months ago

Golden showers? … .Wow America. Just …wow!!