
Everything You Need to Know about NgTemplateOutlet in Angular (2022)

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NgTemplateOutlet in Angular – Everything You Have to Know (2022)

Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building web applications. It offers a wide range of features and tools that make it easy to develop robust and maintainable applications. NgTemplateOutlet is one such feature that can be extremely useful when it comes to dynamic rendering of templates in Angular.

What is NgTemplateOutlet?

NgTemplateOutlet is a built-in directive in Angular that allows you to render a template dynamically. It provides a way to inject a template defined in your component into another part of your application. This can be particularly useful when you want to reuse the same template in different parts of your application or when you want to render different templates based on certain conditions.

How does it work?

To use NgTemplateOutlet, you first define a template in your component. This can be done using the `` tag and providing a unique template reference name using the `#` symbol. For example:


This is my template!


Once the template is defined, you can use the NgTemplateOutlet directive to render it in another part of your application. This is done by binding the template reference name to the `ngTemplateOutlet` input of the directive. For example:



In this example, the template defined with the name `myTemplate` will be rendered within the `` element. The result will be the output of the template, which in this case is a paragraph with the text “This is my template!”.

Passing context data

In addition to rendering the template, NgTemplateOutlet also allows you to pass data to the template using the `ngTemplateOutletContext` input. This can be useful when you want to customize the rendered template based on dynamic data. To pass context data, you simply bind an object to the `ngTemplateOutletContext` input. For example:



In this example, `myContext` is an object defined in the component that contains data to be passed to the template. Within the template, you can access this data using template variables or through the context. For example:


Hello, {{ name }}!


Here, the `name` variable is passed as part of the `myContext` object and is used within the template to display a personalized greeting.


NgTemplateOutlet is a powerful feature in Angular that allows you to dynamically render templates in your application. It provides a way to reuse templates and render them based on certain conditions. With the ability to pass context data, you can further customize the rendered template to meet specific requirements. By understanding and utilizing NgTemplateOutlet, you can enhance the flexibility and reusability of your Angular applications in 2022 and beyond.

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Decoded Frontend
8 months ago

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Danilo Teixeira
8 months ago

How do you do to make the HTML code colored? When I use HTML in the component, it displays with only one color, all orange

Syimyk Amatov
8 months ago

Good topic

Samir Alholo
8 months ago

You are the best thanks very much 3>

8 months ago

Is it possible to create a single component whose template.html file is filled with a library of <ng-template> snippet which I can then use EVERYWHERE in all my other components?

Much like a service gives us methods we can call from any component ts file. I am unable to get your examples to work, perhaps because I have template in files and NOT in the ts file. My html files have about a 1000 lines so it makes no sense to inline them.

8 months ago

Amazingly taught. Very informative. Thanks for this❤

Валентин Иванов
8 months ago

you didn't explained similar approach how to use directives from component content, ex: <cmp><ng-template cmpHeaderTemplate>…</></>, by using @ContentChild(cmpHeaderTemplateDirective) query

8 months ago

Could you create a video on angular universal?

Athanasios Karamouzis
8 months ago

Not going to lie, you're a damn legend. But I'm only left a bit with my head scratching around 29:43 – does injecting the Injector provide the reference of the WeatherWidgetComponent? That feels almost a bit "magical" to me! How was the problem with the lack of the component reference solved before? Did people simply pass the function into the ngTemplateOutletContext? I can't remember if you did any blog content for these injectors, but if you didn't I would really, really love those. Thank you for making things easier for us! Without you, I would have been lost in Angular long ago. Nobody touches upon more advanced topics like you do.

Maik sousa vital
8 months ago

Kinda complex subject.

Mr Fun
8 months ago


8 months ago

luka doncic teaching angular in the offseason

Juan Antonio Moreno Valderrama
8 months ago

Thaks for sharing. This content is gold

Nars Sixte
8 months ago

I'l new in the game and your videos are very useful -. Thanks

Bruce Armstrong
8 months ago

<mat-card class="example-card">


<mat-card-subtitle>Dog Breed</mat-card-subtitle>



here mat-card has children like mat-card-header/content and mat-card-header have child like mat-card-subtitle

this snippet is from angular material and i want to know the effective way for us to achieve this in our projects

its basically how to create custom component that acts like a tag in angular

Rafael de Castro
8 months ago

Does not exist in the world, enough recognition for this guy! Absolute unit of a teacher!

Anuj parashar
8 months ago

what an amazing and useful content you are making. You don't know how much helpful it is in my daily routine work! Thanks a ton

Roberto Dibitonto
8 months ago

Im trying to pass method inside context. I want trigger this method with click. Now i'm able to pass function, but is triggered no only from click. Have u ever tried same thing?

Boyet Lohob
8 months ago

very useful vid! thank you for being generous to us. you are really a smart guy!

Gleb Zaitsev
8 months ago

With Custom weather widget, it's neat but isn't it better to extract methods to reload and copy content to the injectable class? Then either provide it in root or, optionally, this injectable can be provided in parent class providers and injected into custom weather component via ngTemplateInjector.
I mean, it's basically the same, just never seen using imported methods from components. Technically it's clearly possible, just feels wrong.
Great video though, really helpful and clear, love it.