Example Python Code: How to Calculate the Fibonacci Sequence

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Sample Python Code

Sample Python Code

Below is a sample Python code that demonstrates a basic “Hello, World!” program:

            # This is a simple Python program that prints "Hello, World!" to the console
            print("Hello, World!")

This code snippet uses the print() function to output the string “Hello, World!” to the console.


  1. The print() function is used in Python to output text to the console.
  2. The text “Hello, World!” is enclosed in parentheses and quotes to denote it as a string literal.
  3. When this code is executed, “Hello, World!” will be printed to the console.

How to Run:

To run this code, copy and paste it into a Python interpreter or create a new Python file and save the code in it. Then, run the file using a Python interpreter to see the output.