
Expense Tracker Application: Full Stack Development with React and Node.js

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Full Stack Development with React and Node js – Expense Tracker Application

Full Stack Development with React and Node js – Expense Tracker Application

Full stack development refers to the practice of creating both the front-end and back-end of a web application. It involves building the user interface, managing the server-side logic, and connecting the two using APIs.

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Node.js is a runtime environment that allows JavaScript to run server-side. By combining these two technologies, developers can create powerful and dynamic web applications.

Expense Tracker Application

An expense tracker application is a useful tool for managing personal finances. It allows users to track their income and expenses, set budgets, and visualize their financial data in a clear and organized manner.

Front-end Development with React

With React, developers can create a modern and responsive user interface for the expense tracker application. Using components, state management, and routing, they can design a seamless experience for the end user.

import React from 'react';

const ExpenseTracker = () => {
  return (

Expense Tracker

{/* Add components for managing income and expenses */}
); }; export default ExpenseTracker;

Back-end Development with Node.js

Node.js enables developers to build a robust server-side architecture for the expense tracker application. They can create APIs for data storage, authentication, and other server-side functionality using frameworks like Express.js.

const express = require('express');
const app = express();

app.get('/api/transactions', (req, res) => {
  // Retrieve and return transaction data from the database

app.post('/api/transactions', (req, res) => {
  // Add a new transaction to the database

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Server is running on port 3000');

Full Stack Integration

By integrating the front-end and back-end components, developers can create a complete and functional expense tracker application. React can make API calls to the Node.js server to retrieve and update financial data, providing a seamless user experience.

Overall, full stack development with React and Node.js offers a powerful and efficient way to build web applications. With their combined capabilities, developers can create feature-rich and interactive applications like the expense tracker, providing value to users and businesses alike.

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trinaad potluri
7 months ago

Can anyone explain how to solve this at 36:00 information is not stored in mongodb atlas and postman is also not giving response "Income Added"

7 months ago

can you pls generate a user login and signup page in this project

Sahana c
7 months ago

how do i run my code can someone tell

kancharla pragnya
7 months ago

Does this project have login and registration for users?

7 months ago

can u put some time stamps

Kavya Khandelwal
7 months ago

Can anyone explain how to solve this at 36:00 information is not stored in mongodb atlas and postman is also not giving response "Income Added"

Mohamed Ali Bouajila
7 months ago

Thanks bro
P.S: To create an instance of a document in the "Income" collection, you should use the Mongoose model, which in this case is named "Income." You do not directly create instances using the schema (IncomeSchema). Instead, the schema is used to define the structure and constraints of your documents, and the Mongoose model (Income) is what you use to create, query, and manipulate actual document instances.

Namrata Singhal
7 months ago

My income and expense are not updating in the db, its is throwing 500 error, any inputs?

Ashim Sth
7 months ago

please make it responsive please brroo

Divya Naik
7 months ago

Sir mail id?

Divya Naik
7 months ago

Could you please help

Divya Naik
7 months ago

I am getting db not connected

New Name
7 months ago

disliked. No time stamps. Also, when showing the application at the beginning, you didn't show the View Transaction part.

Harish 04
7 months ago

36:36 doesnt created ,updated in my lap

7 months ago

In 4:33:00 it's just a one const line of code Example:

const minExpense = expenses.length > 0 ? Math.min(…expenses.map(item => item.amount)) : 0;

Then put the minExpense at inside of p tag like this

<p>{minExpense} </p>

7 months ago

For those who can't put in the same length of DatePicker with input-control use this instead:
– put the DatePicker inside of div with className"customDatePickerWidth". And it should be like this.

<div className="input-control">

<div className="customDatePickerWidth">


placeholderText='Enter the Date'




onChange={(date) => {

setInputState({ …inputState, date: date })





– At FromStyled, paste this css

.customDatePickerWidth, .customDatePickerWidth > div.react-datepicker-wrapper,

.customDatePickerWidth > div > div.react-datepicker__input-container

.customDatePickerWidth > div > div.react-datepicker__input-container input {

width: 100%;


Manzur Ahmed
7 months ago

Can I use MongoDB on Windows 11 PC as an alternative to MongoDB Atlas for this tutorial project?

Flora Merano
7 months ago

Trash!! This stupid chart ain't even working properly!! I have to create the logic for this chart?? Are you fucking kidding me??!! Thing is you can't just plug and play those incomes and expenses like you did here and expect it to work properly. It doesn't work that way. The incomes won't even display and if they do display, it's on the wrong dates. I actually have to create the logic for that.

Flora Merano
7 months ago

Why are the dates in my chart in reverse order? July 1 is on the right of the chart and July 31 is on the left.

7 months ago

Sections: not done yet
Backend section: 4:40
Frontend section: 57:08