
Experienced NTT Data Vue.JS Interview Questions for Vue and Javascript Developers #vuejs @vuejs

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NTT Data Vue.JS Interview Questions

NTT Data Vue.JS Interview Questions

If you are preparing for an interview with NTT Data for a Vue.JS developer position, it’s important to be prepared for the types of questions you may be asked. Vue.JS is a popular JavaScript framework and NTT Data is a global IT services company, so the interview process may be rigorous. Here are some common Vue.JS interview questions you may encounter:

  1. What is Vue.JS?

    This question is likely to be one of the first you’ll be asked. Be prepared to give a brief overview of Vue.JS and its key features, such as the virtual DOM, reactivity, and component-based architecture.

  2. What are the key features of Vue.JS?

    Be ready to discuss the key features of Vue.JS, such as data binding, directives, computed properties, and lifecycle hooks.

  3. What is the difference between Vue.JS and other JavaScript frameworks like React and Angular?

    Prepare to discuss the differences between Vue.JS and other popular frameworks, including their approaches to components, state management, and performance.

  4. How does Vuex work and why would you use it in a Vue.JS application?

    Be ready to explain the purpose of Vuex, its key concepts such as state, mutations, actions, and getters, and when and why you would use it in a Vue.JS application.

  5. What are mixins in Vue.JS?

    Prepare to discuss the use of mixins in Vue.JS and how they can be used to share reusable code between Vue components.

  6. How do you handle user input and form validation in Vue.JS?

    Be ready to discuss how you handle user input and form validation in Vue.JS, including the use of v-model, input validation, and error handling.

These are just a few examples of the types of questions you may encounter in a Vue.JS interview with NTT Data. It’s important to be prepared to discuss not only the technical aspects of Vue.JS, but also your problem-solving approach, coding style, and experience with real-world applications. Good luck with your interview!