Experimental Faster Version of PySimpleGUI 2020 – Utilizing Snagit & ShareX as Tools of the Trade

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In this tutorial, we will explore the use of PySimpleGUI 2020 alongside two popular screenshot and screen recording tools – Snagit and ShareX. Both Snagit and ShareX are powerful tools that can help you capture screenshots, record videos, and perform various editing functions. By integrating these tools with PySimpleGUI, you can create a seamless workflow for capturing and sharing content in your applications.

Before we delve into the integration process, let’s take a closer look at each tool and its capabilities:

  1. Snagit:
    Snagit is a screen capture and screen recording software developed by TechSmith. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to capture screenshots, record videos, and annotate images. Snagit also comes with a built-in editor that allows you to add text, arrows, shapes, and other annotations to your captures.

  2. ShareX:
    ShareX is a free and open-source screen capture and screen recording tool for Windows. It offers a variety of capture modes, including full screen, window, region, and scrolling capture. ShareX also includes a powerful editor that lets you annotate and edit your captures with text, shapes, and effects. Additionally, ShareX provides options for uploading your captures to various cloud storage services and sharing them through URL links.

Now let’s see how we can leverage the capabilities of Snagit and ShareX within a PySimpleGUI application:

  1. Getting Started:
    To begin, make sure you have PySimpleGUI installed on your system. You can install PySimpleGUI by running the following command:

    pip install PySimpleGUI

Next, download and install Snagit and ShareX on your computer. You can find Snagit on the TechSmith website and ShareX on the ShareX website.

  1. Integrating Snagit with PySimpleGUI:
    To integrate Snagit with PySimpleGUI, we can use the Snagit COM API to capture screenshots and annotate them within a PySimpleGUI application. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to capture a screenshot using Snagit and display it in a PySimpleGUI window:

    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    import win32com.client

def capture_snagit_screenshot():
snagit = win32com.client.Dispatch(‘Snagit.ImageCapture’)
return snagit

Create a PySimpleGUI window

layout = [[sg.Image(data=capture_snagit_screenshot().Image)]]
window = sg.Window(‘Snagit Capture’, layout)

Event loop

while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:


In this code snippet, we use the win32com.client module to interact with the Snagit COM API and capture a screenshot. We then display the captured image in a PySimpleGUI window.

3. Integrating ShareX with PySimpleGUI:
To integrate ShareX with PySimpleGUI, we can use the ShareX custom uploader feature to upload captured screenshots and share them through URL links. Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to capture a screenshot using ShareX and display the sharing URL in a PySimpleGUI window:
import PySimpleGUI as sg

def capture_sharex_screenshot():
    sg.popup('Press OK to capture screenshot using ShareX')
    # Add your ShareX screenshot capture command here
    return 'https://example.com/screenshot.png'  # Dummy sharing URL

# Create a PySimpleGUI window
layout = [[sg.Text('Screenshot URL:'), sg.Input(key='url'), sg.Button('Capture')]]
window = sg.Window('ShareX Capture', layout)

# Event loop
while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
    elif event == 'Capture':
        url = capture_sharex_screenshot()


In this code snippet, we use the sg.popup function to prompt the user to capture a screenshot using ShareX. We then capture the screenshot using ShareX and display the sharing URL in a PySimpleGUI window.

  1. Conclusion:
    In this tutorial, we explored how to integrate Snagit and ShareX with PySimpleGUI to create a seamless workflow for capturing and sharing content in your applications. By leveraging the capabilities of these tools, you can enhance the functionality of your PySimpleGUI applications and provide users with powerful tools for capturing and sharing content. Experiment with different features and functionalities of Snagit and ShareX to create a customized workflow that suits your needs.
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