Explained in 200 Seconds: 4 Methods for Retrieving Data in Next.js 13

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4 Ways to Fetch Data in Next.js 13 | Explained in 200 Seconds

4 Ways to Fetch Data in Next.js 13 | Explained in 200 Seconds

Next.js is a popular React framework that provides great performance and developer experience out of the box. One key aspect of building web applications with Next.js is fetching and displaying data. In this article, we will explore 4 different ways to fetch data in Next.js 13 and explain them in just 200 seconds!

1. Client-Side Data Fetching

With Next.js, you can fetch data on the client-side using the useEffect hook or by using libraries like axios or fetch. This approach is great for fetching data that does not need to be pre-rendered on the server and can be fetched after the page has loaded.

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

Next.js provides built-in support for server-side rendering, allowing you to fetch data on the server before the page is served to the client. This is useful for fetching data that needs to be pre-rendered and is crucial for SEO and performance. You can use getServerSideProps or getStaticProps to fetch data on the server-side.

3. Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)

ISR is a new feature in Next.js 13 that allows you to re-generate static pages at runtime. This means you can fetch and update data on a schedule or in response to user requests without redeploying the entire application. ISR is great for building dynamic pages with static pre-rendering.

4. SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate)

SWR is a popular React hook for data fetching that is highly optimized for performance. With SWR, you can fetch data on the client-side, revalidate it in the background, and keep it stale while new data is being fetched. This approach is great for building fast and reactive user interfaces.


Next.js 13 provides multiple ways to fetch data, allowing you to choose the right approach for your specific use case. Whether you need client-side data fetching, server-side rendering, incremental static regeneration, or a combination of these techniques, Next.js has you covered. By understanding these 4 ways to fetch data in Next.js, you can build high-performing and dynamic web applications with ease.

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6 months ago

but that only works with json, can't use these with database.. I have to either use export const dynamic = "force-dynamic"; or rebuild app every time there is a new entry to the database…

6 months ago

There's plenty of videos around showing how to fetch data for the server components, but noone is showing how to do for a client component. I'm already deep into my project and I couldn't find info on right way to do it. This helped me, thanks!

6 months ago

Great video, thanks

6 months ago

This was actually very understandable as someone just learning next. Be prepared brother, might show up in your dreams if I find some topic hard to understand.

6 months ago

What if we need to use an API key in our .env file to make a request to (lets say google for geolocation) what should the proper patern/protocol for accessing your API key be? Thanks

6 months ago

amazing tutorial man.. thx!!

6 months ago

Good lesson, but in the client side fetch example, react is asking for name to be added to the use Effect array as a dependency, and when such is done there is an indefinite re-render. How can one avoid this?

6 months ago

Great work bro!! Keep gooing…

6 months ago

Very good.

6 months ago

this is the first time I understood ISR

6 months ago

phenomenal video man! just a side note, it'd be better if you zoom your ide just a bit in

6 months ago

Good video

6 months ago

so when we use ssg , we can refresh our data with ISR . BUt when we use SSR , how can we refresh our ssr data ?

6 months ago

Keep the good work up brother!

6 months ago

AMAZING WORK! For me you did better than anyone else explaining this topic, it was on point, with quick examples and a clean code, it really helped me!
I loved the video and the edit, just sent to some friends, can't wait for more!

6 months ago

This is very useful, but the ui and the example is not impressive at all, if you want viewers to stay in this channel you shoule do better than this 😅😑🙄🤔