
Explanation of Backend Express JS FSW26

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Penjelasan Backend Express JS FSW26

Penjelasan Backend Express JS FSW26

Express JS is a web application framework for Node.js, which is the backend runtime environment for the Full Stack Web Development cohort FSW26. In this article, we will provide an overview of the key concepts and features of Express JS in the context of the FSW26 curriculum.

Core Concepts

Express JS is built on top of Node.js, and it simplifies the process of creating web applications and APIs. It provides a minimalist, unopinionated set of tools for building web servers, making it a popular choice for backend development in the Node.js ecosystem.

Key Features

Some of the key features of Express JS include routing, middleware, and template engines. Routing allows developers to define the behavior of the server in response to different URL paths. Middleware provides a way to execute code before handling a request, enabling tasks like authentication, logging, and error handling. Template engines, such as Pug or EJS, facilitate the dynamic generation of HTML pages.

FSW26 Integration

FSW26 curriculum covers the use of Express JS for building RESTful APIs, handling authentication and authorization, and integrating with databases like MongoDB. Students in the cohort will learn how to create routes for different API endpoints, use middleware for request validation and authentication, and interact with a database using the Mongoose ORM.


Express JS is a powerful and flexible framework for building backend web applications, and it plays a crucial role in the FSW26 curriculum. As students progress through the cohort, they will gain a deep understanding of Express JS and its capabilities, preparing them for a career in full stack web development.