
Exploring CSV Files with Node.js, Express.js, and ejs

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CSV Explorer

CSV Explorer with Node.js, Express.js and ejs

In this article, we will be exploring how to build a CSV Explorer using Node.js, Express.js and ejs. CSV Explorer is a web application that allows users to upload and explore CSV files.

Setting up the project

First, let’s create a new Node.js project and install the necessary dependencies:

      $ mkdir csv-explorer
      $ cd csv-explorer
      $ npm init -y
      $ npm install express multer ejs csv-parser

Creating the server

Next, let’s create a new file called server.js and set up our Express server:

      const express = require('express');
      const multer = require('multer');
      const csvParser = require('csv-parser');
      const fs = require('fs');

      const app = express();
      const port = 3000;

      // set the view engine to ejs
      app.set('view engine', 'ejs');

      // configure multer for file upload
      const upload = multer({ dest: 'uploads/' });

      // define a route to handle file upload
      app.post('/upload', upload.single('csv'), (req, res) => {
        const results = [];

          .on('data', (data) => results.push(data))
          .on('end', () => res.render('explore', { data: results }));

      app.get('/', (req, res) => {

      // start the server
      app.listen(port, () => {
        console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${port}`);

Creating the views

Now, let’s create the ejs views for our application. Create a new folder called views and add two ejs files: index.ejs and explore.ejs.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>CSV Explorer</title>
        <h1>CSV Explorer</h1>
        <form action="/upload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
          <input type="file" name="csv" accept=".csv">
          <input type="submit" value="Upload">

      <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>CSV Explorer - Explore</title>
        <h1>Explore CSV Data</h1>
              <% Object.keys(data[0]).forEach((key) => { %>
                <th><%= key %></th>
              <% }); %>
            <% data.forEach((row) => { %>
                <% Object.values(row).forEach((value) => { %>
                  <td><%= value %></td>
                <% }); %>
            <% }); %>

Running the application

Finally, start the server by running the following command:

      $ node server.js

Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser and you should see the CSV Explorer application. You can upload a CSV file and explore the data in a tabular format.

That’s it! You have successfully built a CSV Explorer using Node.js, Express.js and ejs. Happy coding!